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一项罪恶的策划已出台。A guilty plan has been schemed.

再次,出台明确的惩戒标准。Again, publish specific chasten standard.

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中国出台严厉的抗击流感措施。China outlines tighter anti-flu measures.

有关修理业的规章已经出台。The rules for service have been set down.

联合国新出台强硬制裁朝鲜决议。UN imposes tough new sanctions on NKorea.

美国FDA计划出台措施,遏止滥用止咳药。FDA looks to curb abuse of cough medicine.

其他劳工市场法规也已出台。Other labour-market rules have come along.

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政府出台规定,对举报官员腐败进行高额奖励。High reward for tip-offs on official corruption.

我希望新出台的规则能适合我们的球队。I hope the new rules would hit off with my team.

这应该是此次政策出台的应有深意。This should be the current policy was due inwardness.

没有出台任何限制旅游业的政策。There is no policy setting out any limits for tourism.

很快就会出台一项新的交通法规。New traffic regulations are going to be stipulated soon.

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新政策的出台降低了事故率。The new policy helps cut down the traffic accident rate.

关于一如何分配石油还是没有法律出台。There is still no law apportioning Iraq's oil resources.

在柏林的一个剧院里,芭蕾舞女演员在准备出台表演。Ballerinas prepare to hit the stage at a theater in Berlin.

我还对美联储怎样出台货币政策有兴趣。I'm also interested in like how the fed does monetary policy.

新帝国主义论出台后的第一个检验平台就是2003年的伊拉克战争。The first test of the Neo-imperialism is the Iraq war of 2003.

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更规范的建筑物隔热标准能很快出台。Better insulation standards for buildings can be had instantly.

如今作品如期出台,衷心为他们感到高兴。I feel happy for them upon the long-awaited release of their work.

阿根廷政府迅速做出回应,出台了五项改革措施应对危机There were five changes of government in Argentina in a short time.