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拥抱是新的握手方式吗?Are hugs the new handshakes?

他伸出手和我握了握手。He stretched and shook with me.

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雷跟罗斯还没有握手言好吗?Has Ray made it up with Ros yet?

我伸出手去跟他握手。I reached out to shake his hand.

让我们全体与冠军队握手。Let's shake hands and be friends.

我伸出手做握手状。May I shake your hands with you ?

“那么,我们握手?”默多克问。"So, do we shake?" asked Murdoch.

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我把行李装上车,和他握手道别,还偶然拥抱了一下。I shook his hand and chanced a hug.

球员位隔网握手。Players shake hands across the net.

我们在做交易时与人握手。We shake hands when we make a deal.

例1—WebSocket升级握手Example 1—WebSocket upgrade handshake

同别人握手要显得亲切,不要冷若冰霜。Let your handshake be firm, not fishy.

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他来与我握手表示欢迎。He came to welcome me with a handshake.

两个男人分手时握了握手,他们没有什么可以多说的了。The two men shook hands as they parted.

他们握了握手,互致问候。They shook and greeted with each other.

奈杰尔在握手之前走了41.Qxe2,然后接受了伊万的认输。Nigel played 41.Qxe2 before he accepted.

拜托,我可没有握手寒喧的时间。Please, I don't have time to hold hands.

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握手之后,艾尔维斯开始展示他的警徽收藏。Then Elvis showed off his police badges.

与适当的握手之一。With one of the appropriate handshaking.

你看这两个握手,还高兴呢?You see these two handclasp, glad still?