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小的体积元。Little volume elements.

我们控制温度T和体积。V Let's control T and V.

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液体的体积是小于固体的。Liquid is less than solid.

他们体积很小。They are physically small.

或者作为体积的函数。Or as a function of volume.

这条蛇的体积缩小了。The snake dwindled in size.

增加了新的体积云!Added new Volumetric Clouds!

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一些内能,把体积扩大。Now I make the volume bigger.

或者看体积从V1变到V2会发生什么。Or volume goes from V1 to V2.

一定的体积。They occupy a certain volume.

第一步保持压强为p1,体积从V1压缩到。V2 This one is also pretty easy.

等于a除以摩尔体积V杠的平方。a over the molar volume squared.

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理想气体的体积。And the fudge factor is called z.

一部分房间里空气的体积。Volume of air in a part of a room.

每个体积元的体积都只有一个原子的大小。Each one about the size of an atom.

等于a除以摩尔体积的平方。Equals a over molar volume squared.

UDT是否只适合于大体积的数据?Is UDT only suitable for bulk data?

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重量轻,薄型化,体积小,易安装。Lighter, thin, smaller, Easy setup.

每摩尔物质的体积。The volumes per mole of that stuff.

但密度是质量除以体积Ah, but density is mass over volume.