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中国强盛日日盼,众志成城必实现。China's prosperity day hope, concerted efforts must be achieved.

新加坡副总理说,“为了同非典做斗争,我们现在众志成城并集中所有的人财物力。We have to muster all our resolve and resources in order to fight Sars.

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为了同地震做斗争,我们现在众志成城并集中所有的人财物力。We have to muster all our resolve and resources in order to fight earthquake.

中国人民将万众一心,众志成城。团结起来共闯难关。The Chinese people will unite as one, united. Towards the difficulties together.

刚开始的时候那里的球迷确实挺吓人的,但是我们众志成城。It was intimidating at the start with the crowd against us but we stuck together.

在利物浦我过得很开心,因为这里的每一个人都为共同的目标奋斗着,众志成城。In Liverpool I am happy because I am working with a group very committed in its objectives.

在1800年的选举中,共和党众志成城,而联邦党却分歧不断。In the campaign of 1800 the Republicans were united and effective, the Federalists badly divided.

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我们的话语可以改变全世界——因为我们众志成城,为教育事业团结奋斗。Our words can change the whole world because we are all together, united for the cause of education.

汶川地震,坚强的中国人空前团结万众一心众志成城。Wenchuan earthquake, a strong unity of the Chinese people unprecedented concerted efforts of one mind.

今天,我们在此相聚,是因为我们选择了希望而非恐惧,选择了众志成城而非对立冲突。On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.

我认为,无论是公司创始人、员工还是投资者,都要在创始阶段围绕某一个强有力的理念众志成城、共同努力。I think the founders, the employees, and the investors need to rally around just one powerful idea at the very beginning.

例如“众志成城”于2001年1月发表,是美军对外进行宣传的30年中第五代标语。An Army of One', which debuted in January 2001, was the fifth generation of Army advertising campaigns in nearly 30 years.

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在这场瘟疫中,中国的医护人员表现出高尚的职业精神,普通公众也表现得众志成城。In this plague, Chinese medical workers exhibited their noble professionalism and the general public showed "Unity is strength".

“众志成城,共同进步,质量第一,信誉至上”是我们百大数码公司的一贯宗旨。"concerted efforts, of common progress, quality first, prestige supreme" is our company's hundred largest digital consistent aim.

让我们众志成城,奉献爱心,尽最大的力量帮助灾区重建家园!Unity is strength, let us give love to people who in disaster-hit areas, and try our best to help them reestablish their homestead.

吴仪说,面对“非典”这一突如其来的灾害,中国人民正万众一心、众志成城,全力防控疫情。Wu said that in face of the unexpected disaster, the Chinese people are standing united and doing their utmost to stem the epidemic.

面对印度洋地震海啸的世纪灾害,印尼人民众志成城、顽强拼搏,迅速完成了灾区的重建。In the wake of the unprecedented Indian Ocean tsunami, the Indonesian people, united as one, moved quickly to rebuild the affected areas.

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众志成城,抗震救灾,顽强奋斗,神七飞天,民族的精神在弘扬,神圣的中国在强大。Concerted efforts, earthquake relief, tenacious struggle, God seven flying, carry forward the spirit of the nation, the sacred power of China.

我们在这里要感谢克迷们给予我们的支持,希望各位众志成城,在新的一年更加努力的将克迷联盟的工作全面推向前进!We hereby would thank the support given to us by all the fans of Clayderman. We hope that we could unite and make better progress in the new year.

他说,中国改革开放以来经济飞速发展,这是中国人民坚韧不拔、众志成城的结果。He said that China's reform and opening up the rapid economic development, it is perseverance of the Chinese people, the result of concerted efforts.