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他兽性大发。The beast in him came up.

力比多的是兽性的那部分。The libidinal is the animal part.

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他们的兽性令人吃惊。Their bestiality was astonishing.

他酒后兽性大发。Drink brings out the beast in him.

她看到了兽性和技巧性。She sees both the animality and the artifice.

有薄浅狭隘的地方,就有罪恶与兽性。Where there is triviality, there is sin and animality.

另外,我不喜欢免费的性。我对躯体的兽性的一面相当拒斥,因为它肮脏、速朽。I am repulsed by the animality of the body, by its dirt and decay.

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我教他嘲笑一切兽性以外的东西,认为这些是愚蠢和软弱的。I've taught him to scorn everything extra-animal as silly and weak.

那些中国人被指责在停战后兽性大发的几个月里犯下多项罪行。The Chinese were blamed for many crimes in the lawless months after the Armistice.

认为人的本质是由“兽性”与“人性”共同构成的。This article holds that human nature is the combination of barbarity and humanity.

恐怖分子是冷酷而兽性十足的人群,在世界各地制造恐慌。Terrorists are cruel, beast-like people, who produce panic everywhere in the world.

但我希望书中可以展现其实每个人都可以迸发出兽性的一面。But I hope the book shows that everybody has it in them to tap into their animal side.

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事实上,我们往往将人类之间的冷血争斗形容成兽性。As a matter of fact, we tend to describe a merciless fight between humans as animal-like.

但人类兽性冲动的自我表达方式是一种强烈的文化性偶发性事件。Yet how our animal urges express themselves is a strongly cultural and contingent affair.

他们有渴望和恐惧,这些存在于一种内在的兽性,你可以称之为灵魂小宇宙。They have yearnings and fears that reside in an inner beast you could call The Big Shaggy.

正是这种兽性形了那些关于凶残的歇斯底里的半人半兽的传说。It is this savagery that has given rise to the legends of brutal uncontrollable man-beasts.

“半人马”我认为反映出了我们所有人自己内心深处无法逃避的狂暴的兽性。‘Centaur’ I thought reflected our inability to escape the eternal animal thug in all of us.

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我真不知道是更厌恶你们德国人的野蛮兽性还是瞧不起你们的自作多情。I don't know whether I more loathe the brutality of you Germans or despise your sentimentality.

然而由于进化不足,狂暴龙兽依然在许多方面保留着兽性。Although capable of at least rudimentary reasoning, rage drakes remain animalistic in many ways.

我们都有兽性的一面,作为人类,我们的责任是成为驯兽师那样的人。We all have the animal side, as human beings, our responsibility is to become a trainer that person.