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为什么还不能算作一种解决方案呢Why isn't this a solution?

就让我们的友谊算作一时遣兴吧。Let our friendship be a caprice.

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我把你算作我的一个朋友。I count you as one of my friends.

她把自己算作客人之一。She includes herself among the guests.

他们把他算作支持人一。They counted me among their supporters.

他们把他算作支持人一。They counted him among their supporters.

那就把我算作第一千零一名。Then count me number one thousand and one.

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这本书也可算作经典了。-Mr。This book can also be regarded as a classic.

我想应该算作同一天吧。so I guess that would count as the same day.

他们可以算作是进步力量。They can be reckoned among progressive forces.

手抛球直接入网不能算作进球。A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in.

火焰可以算作不朽的宗教象征。The flame is a quasi-religious emblem of immortality.

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任何到过Facebook网站的人都算作一个访问者。Anyone going to site counts as a visitor.

姑且把自己算作一俗人吧,一介蝼蚁,能掀起多大的惊涛骇浪?Let be a layman, a worm, can lift more tempestuous waves?

1900年,仅有10个国家可算作民主国家。In 1900 only 10 countries could be counted as democracies.

福尔斯彻奇市其实可以算作华盛顿特区的郊区。Falls Church, Virginia is really a suburb of Washington DC.

那并非而又算作他们的思想的尸衣中。Of thoughts which were not their thoughts, and still could.

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就像作为魔术师一样,莱斯特也勉强算作一个酒鬼。As well as being a magician of sorts, Lester had been a drunk.

这间房原本是打算作教师阅览室用的。The room was originally me ant for the teachers' re adingroom.

我的祖父Denton造这所房子时,这里可以算作是时尚的尖端。When my grandfather Denton built it, it was the acme of fashion.