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这里一年到头只住着六百人。Only 600 people live here year round.

这里一年到头都能照到太阳。The sun shines here all the year round.

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那里一年到头百花盛开吗?Are flowers in bloom all the year round there?

为什么训练馆一年到头都是开的?。What's with the gym being open every day, all year?

草莓一年到头都买得到,不过很贵。You can buy strawberries all year round, but at a price.

伦敦是一个多雾的城市。这里一年到头经常下雨。London is a foggy city. It often rains here all year around.

他们一年到头都在被解雇,因为他们不能完成工作。They get fired all the time, because they can’t do their job.

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老乔一年到头都在他那一小块地里辛勤劳作。Old Joe toils year in and year out on his small patch of land.

我父亲一年到头总坐在写字台旁写他的书。My father sits at his desk writing his book year in and year out.

在昆明,天气一年到头都是既不太冷也不太热。It is neither too cold nor too hot in Kunming ____ ____ ____ ____.

伦敦是一个多雾的城市。这里一年到头经常下雨。London is a foggy city. It always rains till the end of this year.

你的脚要保持干燥、舒适和无气味一年到头都在。Your feet will stay dry, comfortable and odor free all year round.

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摇滚歌星看起来是一年到头都被热情洋溢的追星族追随着。Rock stars seems to be perpetually followed by hot-blooded groupies.

在家加一个隔离层可以让你一年到头都感到舒适。Adding insulation can help keep your home comfortable all year round.

我们的赛事和活动日程表一年到头都是满满当当的。Our events and happenings calendar is ' chock-a-block ' all year round.

坚持一年到头都这样,不要只在情人节的时候才去燃烧你们的爱情。Do this all year round, not just on Valentine’s Day to keep the fire burning!

爱斯基摩人住在靠近北极的地方。他们一年到头都穿着保暖的衣服。The Eskimos live near the North Pole. They wear warm clothing all the year round.

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政府规定必须年检或半年检,这让清理工们一年到头都在忙。Annual or semi-annual visits are prescribed, keeping the sweeps busy all year round.

一年到头的气温上升了5华摄,周边的海域也在升温。Year-round temperatures have risen by 5 degrees F and the surrounding ocean is warming.

松鼠奶奶总是在冬天里擦窗户,所以这应该是一年到头最好的日子。Grandma Squirrel always washes her windows in the winter, so this must be the best time.