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他的贪心永无止境。His greed knows no limits.

月夜是我永无止境的泪水。The moon night is my endless tears.

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这种参与接触是永无止境的。This engagement is no end in itself.

冥想是永无止境的运动。Meditation is a neverending movement.

当然,这是一场永无止境的军备竞赛。Of course, it's an endless arms race.

在潮起潮落的创作是永无止境的。The ebb and flow of Creation is never-ending.

⊙、帮助,只是举手之劳,而感谢却是永无止境的。Help, just lift a finger, and thanks is endless.

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不过如果真的是这样,那么她只能永无止境地等下去了。But if so, she could be in for an awfully long wait.

基于这个原因,自我认识是一个永无止境的过程!For this reason, self-knowledge is a never-ending process!

我们感到长久的悸动,和永无止境的潮起潮落。We feel the long pulsation, ebb and flow of endless motion.

从他们的专辑“死或梦,由永无止境浅层。Shallow by Into Eternity, from their album Dead or Dreaming.

每天你应抱著永无止境的希望生活下去。Live every day of your life as though you expect to live forever.

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但伊斯特林的论证却指出人类的物欲永无止境。But Easterlin's evidence points to the persistence of materialism.

你,只配与污秽长存——以这种语气开始了那永无止境的斥骂。You worthless bag of filth – and continues in that tone ad infinitum.

对我来说,这样的结果已经一连串永无止境的不知所谓的问题。The result, for me, has been an endless stream of ridiculous questions.

而内心的事业就是按照一种正确的价值观永无止境和百折不挠地追求。And the heart is in a correct values cause endless pursuit and dauntlessly.

晨雾缭绕的时候,澳洲雨林似乎永无止境。As the morning mist rises, the Australian rain forest appears never-ending.

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孩子们从很小时就开始问一连串似乎永无止境的问题。Children ask a seemingly never-ending stream of questions from an early age.

至高之树千枝万叶,永无止境,只有造物者才了解它们全部。The branches of the Great Tree grow without end, yet the Maker knows them all.

地球绕太阳一周,历法上叫一年,循环往复,永无止境。The Earth around the Sun a week, called the calendar year, the cycle of endless.