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我们需要对贪欲加以约束。We need to bridle greed.

因为人们的贪欲。Because greed kept on fueling it.

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它需要著魔。贪欲。承诺?。It takes enchantment, avidity, promise?

请看稍后贪欲之神的表现。Let's look at a later manifestation of Mammon.

喜舍摄伏贪欲,行喜舍,可以广结善缘。Joyful giving subdues greed and makes good affinity.

我认为一切婚外恋都是贪欲的产物。I think all extramarital love is the outcome of greed.

是到了遏制那些极少数自私分子的贪欲的时候了。It is time we tamed the greed of the selfish minority.

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骗子往往利用人的贪欲骗取钱财。Often , the swindlers scam by trading on people"s greed."

使民众去除追求个体贪欲的智能机巧。Let people always act without human stategy or greediness.

我认为迪克对权力的贪欲永远不会得到满足。I don't think dick will ever manage to slake his lust for power.

骗子往往利用人的贪欲骗取钱财。The swindlers always make the use of people's greed to get money.

对生活的热爱和贪欲之间,只有一丝细微差别。Tere is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it.

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而这一切的主要原因就是那麽一个人的贪欲和自私自利之心。And the mainspring of it all was-the greed and selfishness of one man.

表面谦卑恭敬的大牙狗,实则心胸狭窄,充满贪欲。The fangs of surface humble, but the dog, full of greed narrow-minded.

骗子往往利用人的贪欲骗取钱财。Deceivers use people's greed to cheat them of their money and property.

我们为了不应当知晓的贪欲,沿着金色的道路来到了撒马尔罕。For lust of what should not be known we take the Golden Road to Samarkand.

建立于贪欲基础上的英超联赛现在已经到了悬崖边缘。The Premier League, founded on avarice, is now on the edge of a precipice.

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“我也希望如此。”卡德鲁斯回答,他的脸上闪耀着希望和贪欲的红光。"I hope it may be so, " replied Caderousse, his face flushed with cupidity.

带着您的贪欲,您的利已主义,带着您一切的年夜功,来死。Bring your lust, you have the socialist, with all of your great sin, to die.

因此,在这些祈祷中并没有贪欲,而只有菩提心的动机和目标。Hence, there is no greed in such prayers, but only Bodhi motivations and goals.