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这种惊疑只延续了几秒钟。This indecision only lasted a few seconds.

以一份她脸上悲哀的惊疑止住雨水!Will halt the rain with a sad wonder on her face!

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当它真的被恰当地研究时,它就使人心惊疑不已。When it is really studied properly, it is astounding to the mind.

他转过身,背朝着他俩紧张、惊疑的面孔。He turned his back on their strained, incredulous faces. He knew it was the truth.

在凯尔讲述我和他第一天相遇的故事时,我惊疑地看着我的好友。I looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met.

在拐弯处,我们惊疑地看到一个骑在赶紧的兵士。他拿着一杆枪。As we turned a corner, we were surprised to see a soldier on horseback. He was carrying a gun.

我茫然于思,惊疑昨夜梦中那小小天使是否真的把我带到你的身边。My minds in a daze I can't believe what I've seen an angel took me to you last night in my dream.

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姑娘们都朝她望着,满脸流露出惊疑的神色,杰拉尔德却表示达观地摇了摇头。The girls' faces turned to her, startled and questioning, and Gerald wagged his head philosophically.

一天晚上,死神朽木露琪亚被他一脚踢到墙角并满脸惊疑地望着他问“你能看见我?”One evening, death he was naked gancia silk a kick to the corner and enraged over face looking at him asked, "can you see me?"

直到一天晚上,死神朽木露琪亚被他一脚踢到墙角并满脸惊疑地望着他问“你能看见我?”Until one night, by his death deadwood Lucia kicked the wall and his face looked surprised and bewildered he asked, "Can you see me?"

这个小姑娘感到多么惊疑啊!在那朵花的中心坐着一个小小的男子!——他是那么白净和透明,似乎是水晶做成的。But how startled she was to see in the middle of the flower, a tiny little man, as white and transparent as if he had been made of crystal!

摇了摇头,他将目光放在另外一枚四阶丹药之上,却忽然一声惊疑,“咦,这是什么丹药?”"Shook to jolt brain, he put vision in the different a four rank Dan medicine on, merely sudden an apprehensive, " Yi, this is what Dan medicine?

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亚兰王因这事心里惊疑,召了臣仆来,对他们说,我们这里有谁帮助以色列王,你们不指给我吗?This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, 'Will you not tell me which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?

闻言,蓝玉脸上浮起惊疑之色,双颊渐渐飞上一抹粉霞,害羞地看了周继君一眼。Smell speech, color start to float to apprehensive on the blue jade face, the double cheek gradually flies up one powder Xia of putting on, shy ground of saw a week after the gentleman of one eye.

闻言,蓝玉脸上浮起惊疑之色,双颊渐渐飞上一抹粉霞,害羞地看了周继君一眼。Smell speech, color start to float to apprehensive on the blue jade face, the twice audacity gradually flies up one powder Xia of putting on, timid ground of saw a week after the gentleman of one eye.