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他早就忘了这档子事。He had forgotten.

他早就搬走了。He moved out long ago.

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他早就忘得没影儿了。He's clean forgotten it.

别见我本人了,咱们早就见过了。小郭。I am ready to lead once.

俞敏洪很早就起床。Mr Yu got up very early.

可是他早就认出她了。But he had recognised her.

白菜早就咕嘟烂了。The cabbage is overcooked.

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大家早就翘首期待这一切的到来。All of this is long overdue.

这泉水早就干涸了。The spring dried up long ago.

我早就知道你有一套绝招。I knew you could do the magic.

他的妻子早就从事于舞台艺术了。His wife went in for the stage.

我早就说过这些蘑菇归我。I called dibs on these mushroom.

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曾先生伤心地很早就回家去。Mr. Tzeng sadly went home early.

有一天杰弗瑞很早就回家了。One day Jeffery came home early.

等它找上时,我们早就远走高飞了。When it does, we'll be long gone.

很抱歉我这么早就来烦扰你。I'm sorry to disturb you so early.

我早就是一个令人沮丧得人了。I've always been a disappointment.

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那列火车早就该减速下来。The train should have slowed down.

他一准是早就知道了接下来就要丢脸了。He must have known what was coming.

假若是我早就改成伊莱恩了。I should have changed it to Elaine.