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新酿酒,旋烹茶。New wine, spin Pengcha.

酿酒人的妻子不愁酒没酒喝。A brewer's wife may drink of a ton.

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我最喜欢的啤酒是一家小酿酒厂出产的。My favorite beer is from a microbrewery.

酒商在大橡木桶中酿酒。The vintner workedthewine in big oak vats.

在酿酒过程中使用木制品可以追溯到远古时代。This use of wood in wine making is ancient.

一些酿酒师今天仍在使用这种方法。Some winemakers today still use this method.

该酒窖拥有现代化的酿酒设备。The Bodega has modern winemaking installations.

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第二个景点是乌镇的酿酒肆。The second attractions is the wine of wuzhen lane.

SABMiller建了一座酿酒厂,石油公司在此也很活跃。SABMiller built a brewery. Oil companies are active.

后现代风格的画廊,以前不过是酿酒车间。A post-modernist gallery once being a brewing workshop.

酿酒师开始用这种菌株试验。The brewer began experimenting with the ancient strain.

知道酿酒商为什么用有色玻璃瓶装酒吗?One of the reasons why vintners use colored glass bottles?

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这些陈米可能会被用来酿酒。The rice harvested before may be used for wine production.

我的邻居,帕奇克,他是个酿酒师。My neighbor, Patrick the wine-maker, beat me to it, unasked.

他有许多消遣包括园艺和酿酒。She has many occupations including gardening and wine-making.

很久以前这种酒是每位酿酒者最具代表性的作品。In the old days it was the representative wine for a producer.

所以,他的工作是管理酒窑程酿酒。So, his job was the management of the cellars and wine making.

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你不必非要拥有葡萄园才能成为葡萄酒商或酿酒师。You don't have to buy a vineyard to be a vintner or winemaker.

对生产过程中的各个环节进行监控,是决定酿酒质量的重要因素。Control over all aspects of production is a key quality factor.

桑娇维塞是一个独特的酿酒葡萄生产的红葡萄酒。Sangiovese is a unique wine grape producing a type of red wine.