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哦!打倒这个!Ow! Knock out this!

你是不能被打倒的。You can't be beated down.

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我们并没有被打倒!We do not have been overthrown!

拉根一铲子把他打倒在地。Ruggam felled him with his shovel.

可是,安德烈迅速地用枪托将杰克打倒。Yet Andre quickly cold-cocks Jack.

我早知道你最终会把我打倒。I knew you would overthrow me in the end.

真正的人生,是不会被生活打倒的。The true life, will not be lived overthrows.

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它已取得了决定性的胜利,打倒了令牌环网。It has scored a knockout win over token ring.

生活中种种不如意真的可以打倒我们。The disappointments of life can knock us down.

打倒贪官污吏新买办!Overthrows the corrupt officials new comprador!

乙一出拳把甲打倒在地上!B a pay a boxing to knock down AN on the ground!

拳击手朝对手猛扑过去并将他打倒在地。The boxer tore into his opponent and floored him.

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当那个拳手被人打倒时,人群开始寒笑他。The crowd jeered when the boxer was knocked down.

打倒西方反华敌对势力!Overthrows the Western anti-Chinese hostile forces!

他被那记猛击打倒在地,但立刻又站了起来。The blow knocked him down, but he soon got back up.

使用体术攻击打倒100人次玩家。Defeat 100 players using physical attacks in Versus.

你以为你把谁谁谁打倒了,其实。For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow.

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非常抱歉,但你不值得让我打倒。I am mortally sorry you are not worth knocking down.

打倒当权派,让权力来到我们手中吧,来到车迷的手中。Let the power fall. And let it fall to us, the fans.

只要好好的一拳,就能把他打倒,叫他完蛋。One good blow would topple him over and down and out.