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他来自一个古老的近亲通婚的家族。He came from an old inbred family.

但是,它严格族通婚。It is, however, strictly endogamous.

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你对异族通婚是怎么看的?What do you think about mixed marriages?

很明确地规定了禁止通婚联姻。The ban on intermarriage here is quite specific.

异族的通婚已越来越被接受.Interracial marriages are becoming more accepted.

每一区同其他某区之间不能通婚。No connubium between each division and some other.

作为一个中国女性,我认为种族通婚是很复杂的。As a Chinese female, I find miscegenation dispicable.

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种族之间通婚趋势是一个复杂的问题。Looking at trends in intermarriage is a complex matter.

所以,族外通婚能够被他们广泛接受。Thus, intermarriage is widely accepted among the Americans.

他们未被禁止与当地人通婚。They were not forbidden to intermarry with the local people.

黑人和白人之间的通婚则是另一种情况。Marriage between blacks and whites is another story, however.

所**族将会通婚,说一种语言,成为一大家庭。All races will intermarry and speak one tongue and be a family.

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民族通婚习俗和民族语言是苗歌保持民族特色的直接原因。The intermarriage custom and folk language is the direct reason.

那时候,异族通婚在有些州属于非法行为。At the time, interracial marriages were illegal in certain states.

一些古代种族的成员与他们自己的姐妹们通婚。Members of some ancient races intermarried with their own sisters.

加拿大的梅蒂斯人是指印第安人和白人通婚的后代。Métis in Canada is the offspring of an Amerindian and a white person.

加拿大的梅蒂斯人是指印第安人和白人通婚的后代。A Métis in Canada is the offspring of an Amerindian and a white person.

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你认为异族通婚,会有格格不入的问题吗?Do you think interracial marriages may have fish-out-of-water problems?

禁止氏族内部通婚,但和女继承人结婚例外。Prohibition of marriage within the gens except in the case of heiresses.

许多文化在此碰撞,不同民族和不同宗教信仰的人于此通婚。With it comes many cultures, inter-racial and inter-religious marriages.