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不要并排骑车。Don't all cycle abreast.

他们并排成四路纵队。The column was four abreast.

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这过道可容纳两人并排进出。This passage admits two abreast.

我们常常并排骑车。Often we could ride side by side.

像是很自然地并排站列在此。Juxtapositions like this unfold naturally here.

墙边并排放着七张小床。By the wall stood seven little beds side by side.

通常,您需要并排浏览两个报告。Often, you'll want to view two reports side by side.

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刚开始两个球并排贴着,刚刚碰到。At rest, the balls hang side by side, barely touching.

并排停车是违法的,而且也会造成交通堵塞。NO01, Double-parking is illegal, and it blocks traffic.

它被设计为在交错模式中的侧电影并排。It is designed to side by side movies in interleave mode.

这通常可以并排放置两个列表框来实现。This is commonly done by placing two listboxes side by side.

三辆T.25可以并排停在一个标准停车位内。Three T. 25s can park abreast in one standard parking place.

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于是达西先生便代替了她的位置,和她外甥女儿并排走。Darcy took her place by her niece, and they walked on together.

它非常宽,五匹马或者十个人能并排着走在上面。It is so wide that five horses or ten men can walk side by side.

原来沙发上可供二或三人并排坐的恬静坐椅。A comfortable seat wide enough for two or three people to sit on.

隔壁是她的卧室,毕比的卧榻和她的并排放着。Adjoining was her bed room, with Bibi's couch along side her own.

毛和耶稣的肖像并排挂在墙上?他们自己都会困惑吧。Mao next to Jesus on their walls? They are clearly very confused.

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一个有两个同一方向车道的公路上往往有五辆车并排行驶。A two-lane highway with shoulders is often used as a five-lane one.

于是达西先生便代替了她的位置,和她外甥女儿并排走。Mr. Darcy took her place by her niece, and they walked on together.

两匹马并排跑到终点,他们过去常把这叫做平局。The used to call it a draw, when two horses finished neck and neck.