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能有幸与你跳支舞吗?Would you like to dance?

我有幸找到灵魂侣伴。Luckily I find a soul mate.

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感谢你们让我有幸来到这里。Thank you for the honor of being here.

他有幸娶到如此一位贤妻。He is blessed in having such a good wife.

我没能有幸见识这一奇迹。I don't have the honor to see the miracle.

同样的,我可能有幸保住了工作Once again, if I'm lucky I won't get fired.

请,请伸出那条有幸被巨国大帝咬过的小舌头!Please, show me the tongue that the emperor bit!

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我当时甚至还有幸观赏其中的一些风景画。I could even see some of the landscape paintings.

那对父母有幸获得一个漂亮的女娃。The parents were blessed with a beautiful baby girl.

因缘际会,我有幸与惠侨一起成长,见证了惠侨的变迁。I have had the honour to grow with Wai Kiu by chance.

我以前有幸见过令兄或令弟。I have had the pleasure of meeting your brother before.

大家好!非常感谢老天赐与我们的缘分,让我有幸与大家相识!Hi ! Thank god for our metting. nice to meet every one !

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由于健康我有幸看到自己溶解在春水中。By the hearth I gladly see myself melt into spring water.

就此而论,有罪的母亲可要比那有罪的父亲有幸。Herein is the sinful mother happier than the sinful father.

有幸与王钧合作到现在,已经有好几年了。I had the chance to work with Priscilla for many years now.

快到山顶时,我们有幸看到了难得一见的景象。As we approached the summit we were vouchsafed a rare vision.

比如说,我们很有幸见过朱光潜教授。For example, we are very lucky to met Professor Zhu Guangqian.

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路上,我们有幸又看到了几只白臀叶猴!On the walk back we got lucky again and saw some Douc Langurs!

还有幸从一个屋顶酒吧鸟瞰紫禁城的全貌。We had a great view of the Forbidden City from a roof-top bar.

在此之后,我们很有幸地。But as time is going along, we were also kind of opportunistic.