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但对于一位眼睛不大好的老妇人来说,已经足够以假乱真了。But for an old woman with bad eyes, it would do.

其形状和颜色与人眼十分接近,可以以假乱真。The shape and the color make the "eye-stickers" look realistic.

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在香港,一个女孩画着以假乱真的妆容去参加一个慈善舞会。Women in fancy dress attend a charity Halloween parade in Hong Kong.

巨大的猛犸象雕塑,2.5倍大小足以以假乱真。Huge sculptures of the mammoths are 2.5 times larger than the real ones.

这只名为“丽人”的秃鹰装了一个几乎能以假乱真的义喙。This bald eagle named Beauty was fitted with a remarkably life-like prosthetic beak.

尽管这些实物改变的效果足可以假乱真,但它们还是仿真的。As artificial as the results of these physical alterations may be, they are done to imitate nature.

从以假乱真的角度而言,最好的小说能让你忘掉它是小说。Insofar as stories are surrogates for real events, the best are those where we forget they are stories.

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这一荒诞、以假乱真的艺术行动,在当时尚带有社会预言性和象征性的隐喻色彩。Those absurd performances had the metaphorical atmosphere of social prediction and symbolism at that time.

像生盆景是运用各种玉石、金银铜铁、绢纱、珍珠、珊瑚等材料用手工模份制成盆景,堪称以假乱真。Artificial bonsai refers to the vivid bonsai made of jade, gold, silver, copper, iron, silk and coral, etc.

不法商人常利用这一特征.在皮壳上做假,以假乱真,谋取暴利。According to this condition, some unlawful business men often fake the crust in order to reap, immense profits.

都市流言是现代民间传说的一种,那些虚假故事被它们的讲述者演绎得可以以假乱真。Urban legend is a form of modern folklore consisting of apocryphal stories believed by their tellers to be true.

绝大多数志愿者承认说过谎,但有良好认知能力小孩说的谎言能以假乱真。A majority of the volunteers told lies but it is the children with better cognitive abilities who can tell the best lies.

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Hanson发明了一种仿生皮肤材料“frubber”,令机器的头部足以以假乱真。Hanson developed a biologically inspired skin material, "frubber, " that makes his robot heads appear uncannily lifelike.

这一荒诞、以假乱真的艺术行动,在当时尚带有社会预言性和象征性的隐喻色彩。Those absurd and taken as real action art was with the metaphorical atmosphere of social prediction and symbolism at that time.

然而通过创建看上去差不多能够以假乱真的网域,研究者可以接收发错的邮件,这些邮件就不会被退回。But by setting up similar doppelganger domains, the researchers were able to receive messages that would otherwise be bounced back.

苹果开发的软件经过不断地调整,现在能特别以假乱真地响应手的动作,按在手机上却能给你操作真实物体的印象。Apple's software is tuned to respond to our hand gestures in a way that makes an impression of interaction with the physical object.

在最严格的意义上来说,虚拟现实意为创造一个达到以假乱真程度的人造环境。In its strictest sense, virtual reality means creatIng an artificial environment so convIncIng it can't be distInguished from the real thIng.

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汤团几近以假乱真的“投敌”诚意终于得日军高层的认可,一千人马名正言顺地插到了敌人的心脏里。Dumpling nearly genuine defect sincerity finally have the Japanese high recognition, one thousand men presenting inserted into the enemy's heart.

剧中许多场解剖戏都到了以假乱真的地步,一场戏下来令王雷忍不住想吐。A lot of field in drama anatomized play to arrive the degree of mix the false with the genuine, a play comes down to make Wang Lei cannot help keck.

在物竞天择的残酷环境下,在漫长的进化过程中,许多动物的伪装与周围环境几乎一致,达到了以假乱真的地步。In a very cruel environment, in long evolutionary process, many animals disguise and surroundings almost unanimously, reached the point of the real thing.