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她面相平常。She has a plain face.

吴哥窟里很多面相中的一个。One of the many faces at Angkor Thom.

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他的面相看上去有点可疑,而且有点凶残。And his ugly face is suspicious and brutal-looking.

面相觑,对这位少年真是叹为观止。Face reading Qu really sighs for the view to this young.

专业村的整合与发展有其独特的面相。Their integration and development has a distinct character.

似乎狡诈的面相独立于这些因素。Shifty physiognomy, it seems, is independent of these things.

连峰垒翠西池西,五峰新亭面相直。Tracy pool barrier with the West Peak, Wufeng straight face new pavilion.

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其他的面相对象编程的语言,没有提供这个指针。Some other object-oriented programming languages do not provide that pointer.

它们一起呈现了一个更平和、更能接受的批判哲学面相。Together they present the blander , the more acceptable face of the Critique.

那些借钱出来的人同样识别面相变化。That shiftiness was also recognised by those whose money was actually at stake.

“我们养殖面相当广,不集中”,他告诉我,“这是一个生态网。"We farm extensively, not intensively," he told me. "It's an ecological network.

我混合了很多人种的面相来创造了这个形象。I blended a multitude of human physiognomies to create this plausible simulation.

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一项新研究表明,与男性相比,女性的面相更能透露出其性格。Women's faces "give away far more than men", a piece of research suggested recently.

每个人的面相都是这五种元素的混合体,其中的一种起支配作用。Each of us has a mixture of these elements in our faces, with one of them dominating.

英国媒体不清楚,是什么让这个高傲的自大狂拥有一副花花公子的面相。The British media were not sure what to make of this swaggering ego with playboy looks.

如果您准备自行修复漆面,那么应该确保所使用的油漆与漆面相匹配。If you plan to touch up the paintwork yourself, make sure you get the right paint match.

这个情欲束缚着你,它伪装在人的感觉的众多面相之下。This is the passion that enslaves you, disguised under the multiple aspects of human feeling.

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它具有开明专制的面相和民主的底色,是一张介于古典与现代之间的立宪“药方”。It was looked as enlightened autarchy on the surface, but in fact it had democratic grounding.

只是面相师说了,他没受过演员的正式训练并不等于他不会演戏。His lack of formal training as an actor doesn't mean he can't act, in every sense of that word.

每五个受访者就有一人认为干净利落的面相会使男士看上去更时尚,而有一半的人认为胡须会使男人平添几分老相。One in five said the clean-cut look made a man more stylish, while half said a beard aged a man.