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长安居始建于清朝中晚期!Long live built dynasty middle-late!

乾隆曾是清朝的皇帝。Qianlong was the emperor of Qing dynasty.

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清朝政府最终被人们用武力推翻了。Our forces have at last defeated the enemy.

这是北京老茶馆里上演的一段表演,清朝宫廷舞。This is a performance in a teahouse of Beijing.

它是一栋砖造的清朝官邸式建筑。It is an official bricking building in Cing Dynasty.

然后满洲人来了,建立清朝。Then came the Manchus, who set up the Ch'ing dynasty.

我们学校的历史可以追溯到清朝。The history of our school remounts to the Qing Dynasty.

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清朝12位皇帝人物烙画肖像。People in the Qing dynasty emperor 12 pyrograph portrait.

清朝的慈禧太后就是一个超级戏迷,她常请戏班子进宫演出。She often had opera troupes perform for her in the Court.

他的家族史可追溯到清朝。His family can trace its history back to the Qing Dynasty.

它建于1535年清朝年间曾重新修缮过。It was built in 1535 and restored during the Qing dynasty.

木兰围场木兰围场是清朝的皇家猎苑。Mulan Hunting Area is a loyal hunting areaof Qing Dynasty.

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清朝的历史令人忧伤,那是血与泪的历史。Qing Dynasty makes me sad.It's history of flesh and blood.

中国北方军港,清朝北洋水师基地。Naval port in northern China, the Qing northern naval base.

清朝的历史令人忧伤,那是血与泪的历史。Qing Dynasty makes me sad. It's history of flesh and blood.

从商朝到清朝有很多年历史用英语咋说?A long history spans between Shang Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.

归元寺的建筑修于清朝,是典型的中国传统建筑风格。They are good examples of the Chinese traditional buildings.

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京控是清朝的一种特别诉讼程序。Jing Kong was a special litigation procedure in Qing dynasty.

清朝政府最终被人们用武力推翻了。The Qing Dynasty was finally overthrown by the people by force.

京剧的西皮和二黄乃是清朝的产物。Hsi P'i and Erh Huang tunes were products of the Ch'ing Dynasty.