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他是东方人。He is an Easterner.

实际上东方人都不善待动物。Actually Orientals in general aren't.

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因为东方人和亚裔美国人。Already, orientales and Asian Americans.

是阿,我是东方人,说话又轻声细气的。But you are from the East, and you are soft-spoken.

非洲人和东方人用新鲜的生姜来烹饪。Fresh ginger is used in Asian and oriental cookery.

但是东方人看人的时候主要集中在眼部。But Easterners kept their focus mainly on the eye region.

西方人的鼻子为什么比东方人的高?What why the nose of Hesperian compares Oriental is tall?

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事实上,当今东方人与西方人时常碰面。Truth is, nowadays Easterners and Westerners meet quite often.

“现在你领会到那东方人对茶的狂热,”贾菲说。"Now you understand the Oriental passion for tea, " said Japhy.

亲子共游的风气,西方人胜过东方人。Family holidays abroad are more common among westerners than orientals.

东方人不吃黄油,他们更喜欢对对健康非常有益处的花生油。The Orientals use no butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut oil.

伴随着这次“东方人”运动,此时也出现了一批本国的改革者。A band of native reformers now appeared alongside of this Ostman movement.

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如果你来自西方,面对一个东方人有点木讷的情感方式,你又是怎么看待的呢?If you are from the west, what do you think of the east reserved in nature?

罗马人没有让东方人学拉丁语。So Romans didn't go around trying to get people in the East to speak Latin.

她曾这样说过,虽然她有着东方人的面孔,却有着一颗西方人的心。She said that although her face was oriental she was, at heart, a westerner.

耶和华如此说、迦勒底人哪、起来上基达去、毁灭东方人。Thus says the Lord, Arise, go up to Kedar And devastate the men of the east.

因此我确信,无论是东方人还是西方人都能在两种文化中生活。And so i do believe that peoples, East and West, we can live in two cultures.

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作为一位非东方人,你对东方的理解和热爱因何而来?As a non-Asian, where do your understanding and passion of the East come from?

我领悟了东方人所谓的沉思默想和暂弃劳作的其中意味。I realized what the Orientals mean by contemplation and the forsaking of works.

而东方人已经意识到了家是他们整个生活中必不可少的一部分。Orientals have understood that their homes are an integral part of their lives.