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某种独一无二的念珠?Some unique chaplet?

和尚戴著一串念珠。The monk wears a string of beads.

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他头上有一蔟头发,颈上挂着一串念珠,手上也有一串用绳穿起来的珠子。A goat has a tuft of hair on its chin.

念珠菌是一种常见的疾病,我们的日子。Candida is a common disease of our days.

这些一串一串的珠子叫做念珠。These strings of beads are called japa malas.

颈上戴念珠,身上存魔鬼。Beads about his neck ,and the devil in his body.

真菌感染主要为肺部念珠菌感染。Most mycotic infections were candidiasis of lung.

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我做的这串黄金念珠足有12尺长。I had made a gold mala approximately 12 feet long.

院长,手里拿着念珠,正在等候他们。The prioress, rosary in hand, was waiting for them.

我心想,他是怎么样知道念珠在那里的?Later on I thought, How did he know where the mala was?

他将念珠翻过来看时,发现其中一端松动了。As he turns it over, he discovers that one end is loose.

在他的两个四手,他拥有一个水锅和念珠。In two of his four hands he holds a water pot and a rosary.

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目的探讨白念珠菌烯醇化酶的抗原特异性。Objective To evaluate the antigenic specificity of the enolase.

周主任提示这是一种口腔念珠菌感染,也称鹅口疮。Zhou Zhuren prompted an oral candidiasis, also known as thrush.

所有的衣服、所有的毯子,就连埃伦太太的念珠也被偷走了。All the clothes and all the rugs and even Miss Ellen's rosaries.

大蒜素提取物对白色念珠菌生长有张力抑制作用。Allicin has strong inhibition against the growth of C. albicans.

她的双手摊开放在膝上,一串念珠松松地拿在手间。Her hands lay open in her lap and, loosely between them, a rosary.

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这种过度念珠菌的实质是什么酵母感染。This overgrowth of Candida is in essence what a yeast infection is.

大蒜极大地减少了由于酵母感染念珠菌物种。Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections due to Candida species.

大多数妇女都不知道念珠菌感染是一种常见疾病。Most women are not aware that candida infection is a common disease.