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他专修考古学。He specializes in archaeology.

难道是考古学方面的教授?Is the professor of archeology?

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他在大学学习的是考古学。He studied archeology in college.

考古学、历史学和民俗学方面的展览品。Exhibitions of archaeology history and folklore.

对我来说,考古学应该是一件很快乐的事情。For me, archaeology is about having a good time.

这是考古学数据服务网的网站。This is the website of Archaeology Data Service.

他这三十年来一直在研究考古学。He has been studying archeology these thirty years.

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许多专业技术对考古学作出贡献。Many specialistic techniques contribute to archaeology.

考古学关于古代烹饪的证据是意义不明的。The archaeological evidence for ancient cookery is equivocal.

在中国日前传出一项考古学的大发现。There was a recent archeological discovery in China recently.

第二部分,新石器时代三种考古学文化。The second part is about three archeology cultures of Neolithic.

我看过他的录像,简直是对考古学的污蔑。F. I saw his video which is an embarrasment to the world of arch.

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对于业已消失的文化,我们则运用考古学方法。For cultures that do not exist today, we use archeological methods.

今天它在为海洋考古学服务,里面有海洋博物馆。Today it houses the Musée de la Mer, devoted to marine archaeology.

民族服饰在民族学、考古学中占有重要位置。National attire takes an important place in ethnology and archaeology.

要创建民族特性,考古学是一种非常便利的工具。Archaeology is a very convenient tool for creating national identities.

马丁利说,他喜欢考古学的原因在于“它为今天提供经验课程。”Mattingly says he likes archaeology because "it has lessons for today."

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而考古学上的证据显示这二个地方原本属于热带气候的。The archaeological evidence of these two places had a tropical climate.

该变化为什么会发生,如何发生,在考古学上还是一个谜。Why, and how, the change took place is still an archaeological mystery.

四川大学历史文化学院考古学系。Dept. of Archaeology, College of History and Cultur, Sichuan University.