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她的文胸型号是48v。Her bra size was 48V.

记下钻头系列号和型号。Record bit serial number.

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我有各种型号的西装。I have suits in every size.

谢谢。这是学佛菜1965年型号的。Thanks. It's a 1965 Corvette.

你们送货送错了型号。You delivered the wrong size.

你的未婚夫的车是什么型号?What model is your fiancé's car?

本型号机均采用高级控制系统。We adopt first-class control system.

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轨道结点的模型,型号R-65。The model of a butt joint, type R-65.

往年炎天将有新的型号问世。A new model will come out this summer.

应用的芯片型号是lpc2220。Application of chip models is lpc2220.

“格拉那达”是最受欢迎的型号。The granada is the most popular model.

所有型号的车都有自动变速。All models have automatic transmissions.

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价钱随型号大小和样式而变化。The prices differ with- size and design.

价格根据型号有所不同。Prices are differents depend on the type.

一些摇铃及一些型号都没有。Some models have rattles and some do not.

阀门通径,型号或规格说明。Valve size, figure number or description.

我们已经有了几款专业型号油锯。We have several saws for professional users.

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或许床柱后面可以加上手机型号这一栏。Maybe bedpost can add a field for phone type.

PGP型号过滤机有两种卸料方式。PGP model filter has two discharging methods.

更换新的同型号温控器后,故障排除。Replace the new thermostat, trouble shooting.