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论脸皮厚,你可算是天下第一。For sheer cheek, you're it.

脸皮厚一点大声说出来!Be thick-skinned and speak up!

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他脸皮厚又惹人讨厌。He is thick-skinned and annoying.

真是到了该脸皮厚一点的时刻了。It's really time to grow a thicker skin.

要当校长,你就得脸皮厚一些。You need a thick skin to be a headmaster.

他脸皮厚,从来不在乎别人讲什么。He is thick-skinned and never cares what others say.

其次,别害羞,脸皮厚一点,大声说出来。Second, you must not be shy, be thick-skinned, and speak up.

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我现在的脸皮厚得很,这样的情形对我已经无所谓了。I am now so thick-skinned that such incidents hardly fuss me at all.

如果说脸皮厚会多一份财富,那么脸皮薄就少一份财富?If the thick-shinned can get more wealth, do the thin-skinned get less?

如果一个球队都是些脸皮厚的家伙,可能这种做法还可以容忍。If this was a team full of hardened veterans, I would consider it more acceptable.

她受到太多的批评谴责,只是她学会了脸皮厚而已。She has had so much criticism by now that she has learned how to be thick-skinned.

有事你只是需要对待网络刻薄鬼并且变得脸皮厚一点。Sometimes you'll just have to deal with Internet meanies and grow that thick skin.

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这一题的正确答案应该是猴子脸皮厚——因为人没脸。The answer of this question is monkey's skin is thicker------'cause man have no skin.

看着这群脸皮厚的臭男人,雪娘一下子找到了目标。The smelly man who looking at these thick-skinneds, snow Niang found out a target a while.

我脸皮厚的很,没事儿的。我也需要不断改进的嘛。对这个板块有什么建议和改进之处,请不吝指教。I highly walue your comments, which will help improve my work. Please do not hesitate to let me know!

我在埃及呆的这两年,已经对我所演绎的社交丑态脸皮厚到一定程度了,尽管他人依旧尴尬。After two years in Egypt, I had developed a sense of humor about my inevitable social gaffes, but they were still embarrassing.

对于男性,尤其是那些脸皮厚的,从不重视别人说的“不”。For men, especially if they are thick-skinned, the thought of someone telling them “no” tends not to be viewed as earth-shattering.

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他歪曲的故事修斯的沉积与脸皮厚在于,他至少纵容修斯的虐待流放。He misrepresented the story of Ignatius's deposition with unblushing lies, and he at least connived at Ignatius's ill-treatment in banishment.

干挨家挨户上门推销这一营生得脸皮厚,这是因为干这一行不仅要经受风吹日晒,还要承受一次又一次的闭门羹。比尔。波特忍受着这一切,以及别的种种折磨。Making a living as a door-to-door salesman demands a thick skin, both to protect against the weather and against constantly having the door shut in your face.

你希望嘉宾脸皮厚一点,这对你的工作也有帮助,你想要激情,你想嘉宾们能够坦诚相见。There's that a little of brazenness that works for you 'cause you want them to, since you want the passion, you'd like them to, so you want them to be very honest.