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不要把工作和娱乐搀和在一起。Don't mix business with pleasure.

这种咖啡是爪哇咖啡和巴西咖啡搀和制成的。This coffee is a blend of Java and Brazil.

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我不想搀和到这个生意中去。I don't want to get in involved in the business.

我不想搀和到你告诉我的这个生意中去。I don't want to get in involved in the business you told me.

毒品、黑社会、石油商,这些事咱永远别搀和。No. 5 Don't get mixed up with drugs, gangs or oil executives.

我不想搀和到你昨晚告诉我的这个生意中去。I don't want to get involved in the business you told me last night.

我不想搀和到你昨晚告诉我的这个生意中去。I don't want to get in involved in the business you told me last night.

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然后把玉米粉与水及其他东西搀和,制成各种不同的食物。The powder is then mixed with water and other things, and made into different kinds of food.

考克斯曾经结过三次婚,他的两位前妻也抱怨白兰度也曾经搀和于他们的生活中并提出很多非分的要求。Cox, who had married three times, also struggled with Brando's demanding nature, two of his former wives said.

爱情,当它到了它的绝对高度时,常搀和着一种使人莫名其妙把贞操观念抛向九霄云外只一味盲从的感情。Love, at the height where it is absolute, is complicated with some indescribably celestial blindness of modesty.

这样会有你从未听过的不同成分搀和在一起,而这样一来就会产生出一种奇怪感。There are ingredients mixed together that you have never heard together before, and that produces a strangeness.

我不想搀和到你昨晚告诉我的这个生意中去,因为我没有闲钱去这么做。I don't want to get in involved in the business you told me last night, since I don't have extra money to do that.

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搀和1至5份兼容的油脂到场10份2503道康宁美容蜡中,平常会管理这个题目。Blending 1 to 5 parts of a compatible oil to 10 parts of DOW CORNING 2503 Cosmetic Wax will normally eliminate the problem.

假如你不喜欢别人给你提的建议,那就把它看成是搀和着盐的粮食。If the person giving you advise doesn't look the way you would like to look, take their health advice with a grain of salt.

种种元素和始因彼此互相混合、搀和、交汇、增益,以使物质世界和精神世界达到同样的光辉。Elements and principles mingle, combine, wed, multiply with each other, to such a point that the material and the moral world are brought eventually to the same clearness.

但没有哪个穿越整个国家的疯狂之旅会完全没有撞车的搀和――要不然,格里斯沃尔德一家的例子,飞越云霄,重重地撞回地面,再到一家四口马上排除故障。But no cross-country bedlam is complete without a car breaking down -- or, in the Griswolds' case, flying through the air, smashing back to earth, and all four tires deflating at once.