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大庭广众之下…是不礼貌的。Burping in public is bad manners.

没想到,他会在大庭广众这么说。To think he should say that in public.

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决心不在大庭广众下哭泣。The determination not to weep in public.

他在大庭广众中大出洋相。He cut a poor figure on a public occasion.

如果有人老爱在大庭广众之下挑你的刺。Say somebody does pick on you in the hall.

一个人驻足观看她的大庭广众。A large crowd of people gathered to watch her.

得体示爱在大庭广众之下,别搂抱亲吻个不停。Good Loving Do not smooch in the company of others.

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这位诗人在大庭广众之下大声朗诵他的幽默诗句。The poet ranted his humorous verses before a big crowd.

你居然在大庭广众下用这种谎言侮辱勃艮的皇后?You insult the Queen of Burgund in public with these lies?

他在大庭广众之下脱衣服,我感到很难为情。When he started undressing in public I didn't know where to look.

迈克尔知道他不可能很直接地在大庭广众之下去反抗光明会。Michael knew he could not speak out directly against the Illuminati.

瞧!我背后那个比利时布鲁塞尔的小子竟敢在大庭广众之下对着我撒尿!Me standing against the statue of the pissing Belgian little boy in Brussels.

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这些孩子在大庭广众这样大吵大闹真是该感到害臊。These kids ought to feel ashamed of themselves for such a free-for-all in public.

上世纪80年代,如果一只大象入侵一个家庭的土地,它会在大庭广众之下被射杀。In the 1980s, elephants invading a family's field would have been killed on sight.

我母亲自己很少到大庭广众中间去,除了与格兰特太太吃饭外,谁家的饭她都不去吃。My mother seldom goes into company herself, and dines no where but with Mrs. Grant.

他必须在大庭广众之下暴死,这样我才有机会获得符合我这个时代伟大才华的地位!He must be exposed that I may take my place among the intellectual giants of our age!

新政治学,曾经只能被私下隐秘地教授的东西,如果可以公然在大庭广众之下教授了。What was previously taught only subtly and in private will now be taught openly and in public.

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穿上合适的衣服去大庭广众下跑步会让你感到舒服些。Wearing the right clothes for running may make you feel more comfortable when running in public.

在一些工厂,更糟的是操作中的工人还会在大庭广众下被羞辱。In some factories badly performing workers are required to be publicly humiliated in front of colleagues.

因某人拒绝接受一项决斗而在大庭广众下称呼某人是懦夫是违法的。It’s against the law to post a public notice calling someone a coward for refusing to accept a challenge to duel.