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面对我,豪泽!Face me Hauser.

我会平静的面对这一切。I’m at peace with that.

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的确,面对恐惧的时候。Right, faced with fear.

我们都必须面对它。We all have to face it.

因此,我们必须面对失败。So we must face failure.

她会敢于面对任何危险。She will dare any danger.

人生是游戏----积极面对吧!Life is a game----play it.

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但我必须面对现实。But I have to be realistic.

面对莫格莱尼的力量吧!Face the might of Mograine!

他现在面对侦讯。He now faces investigation.

我们面对现实吧。我们都会失败。Let's face it. We all fail.

我们该如何面对摇滚乐?So how do we approach rock?

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你应该面对现实。You should face the reality.

逃避非善法,面对是修行。Evasion is not a good method.

我倾向于面对我的听众。I prefer to face my listener.

这座楼面对大街。The building faces the street.

我们已经勇敢地面对这种疾病。And we have faced this disease.

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彼此面对,轻拍桌子。Face each other. Tap the table.

我面对你都如履薄冰的。I walk on eggshells around you.

我们面对的课题是永远学不完的!And we never run out of lessons!