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他给图画作最后的润色。He finished up a painting.

你需要给这首诗润色一下。You need to touch up the poem.

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把轴瓦油路润色一下。Dress up the oil way of the bush.

我需要一点时间润色脚本。I need some time with the script.

这张照片已被润色过了。This photograph has been retouched!

编辑们为这篇底稿进行了润色。The editors have polished the manuscript.

华丽的润色是完全没有必要的。Embellishment and fluff are not necessary.

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忘掉所谓的超凡魅力和精心润色的演讲吧。Forget the charisma and the polished speeches.

现在,你要准备对第一份草稿进行润色了。You are now ready to polish up the first draft.

不要修饰润色,因为现在,你仅仅在写作。Leave the editing, for now you are only writing.

画家对这张画作了几次润色。The artist retouched the painting several times.

使用水彩颜料来润色宝丽来转移。Use watercolor paints to touch up Polaroid transfers.

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为你的礼物包装润色,可以使用彩纸、礼品袋子和蝴蝶结。Embellish your package with pretty paper, gift bags and bows.

如果你把这篇文章润色一下,我们就在报纸上发表它。If you polish the article, we will print it in the newspaper.

你还得用细笔略加几笔色彩来润色一下。You need to touch in a few patches of colour with a fine brush.

用一些配菜来把你的佳肴装饰一番,再加上一些最后的润色。Use garnishes to dress up your meal and add the finishing touches.

从这时开始,这篇初稿就要开始成形,要对它进行润色,修订,编辑。From their onwards, it needs to be shaped, polished, revised, edited.

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他先把我的文章加以润色后再交给编辑部。He slicked up my article and then sent it to the editorial department.

你的作文很好,除了个别地方有些过分润色。Your composition is good except for some overcolouring here and there.

他经历了这个故事,而我利用了这个故事,根据自己的想法,对其润色。He lived through it, and I made use of it, embellishing it as I saw fit.