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得了性病怎么解决啊。Got venereal how be solved.

所有天平都死于性病。All Libras die of venereal disease.

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红细胞发生渗出性病理反应。Red-cell has immunopathologic reaction.

性病是一件很磨人的事。It is a torture to have chronic disease.

小麦全蚀病是一种典型的土传性病害。Take-all of wheat is a classical soil-spread disease.

UU成为杭州地区主要的性病病原体。UU is the main Venereal Disease pathogen in Hangzhou.

在这样的大环境下,也难怪当年的复员的老兵中很多人都感染了性病。No surprise that many of those vets brought STDs home.

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吸毒、性病和多性伴等因素影响HIV-1感染过程。Drug abuse, abusive sex and STD affect HIV-1 infection.

种族本身并不存在相应的性病感染危险性,Forhan谈到。Race itself is not a risk factor for STDs, Forhan said.

那就是为什么对于性病预防要保持警惕。That's why you have to be vigilant about STD prevention.

性病和皮肤病的传染途径是那些?。Venereal the contagion with dermatosis is the way those?

离子分布平衡失调可造成神经继发性病理损伤。The ion inbalance may caused the secondary nerves injuries.

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那些大学女生跟下流的人胡混,带回了性病。Those college girls go slum and come home with sex disease.

板栗疫病为我国检疫性病害。Castanea mollissima blight is a quarantine disease in China.

女用避孕套能对怀孕和性病起到保护吗?Will female condom always protect against pregnancy and STDs?

稻瘟病是由稻瘟病菌引起的水稻真菌性病害。Rice blast is a kind of epiphyte disease by Magnaporthe grisea.

其特征性病理变化是空泡状细胞。The characteristic pathological changes are vacuole like cells.

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那些大学女生跟下流的人“胡”混,带回了性病。Those college girls went slumming and came home with sex diseases.

问清楚你的爱侣是否清楚他或她有过性病。Ask if your partner has ever had an STD that he or she knows about.

我不能再从事那样的工作了,因为我感染了不少性病。I could no longer work because I caught so many STDs and infections.