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母鸡下蛋后却展尽吹嘘之能事。The hen boasts what she has done.

它们已经几近分化之能事They have become as different as they can be.

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他对他前妻竭尽诽谤之能事。He defamed his ex-wife by every possible means.

若不守身,纵能事亲,亦只是皮毛仪式而已。If Shou Shen, vertical pro at nothing, only superficial ceremony.

她极尽女性之能事,长呼短叹,泣不成声,悲愤不已。There she collects the force of female lungs, sighs sobs and passions.

当一个人极尽勤奋之能事的时候,他会达到一个怎样的高度?What a high lever can a man reach when he try his best to be diligent?

网上出现新一波病毒式传播的图片,对英国暴乱极尽调侃之能事。Irrepressible virals try to take a lighthearted view of England's unrest.

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极尽冷血之能事,就是所发生的一切,”他对当地电视台说道。As cold-hearted as it is, that's exactly what happened, " he told local TV.

这款1970年代的概念车不仅有着詹姆士·邦德般的酷派头,而且还极尽华美之能事。This 1970’s concept was not only James Bond cool, but also bloody gorgeous, too!

有两家报纸对首相的成就极尽诋毁之能事。Two newspapers did avery effective hatchet job on the Prime Minister's achievements.

就是用黑色幽默的方式,对社会上的传统势力极尽讽刺挖苦之能事。Is to use black humor , the traditional forces in society, designed ironic dig at capabilities.

设计这样一个用铁和木制成的家伙显然极尽羞辱之能事。The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron.

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从某种意义上说,国际上对美国的无所作为极尽虚夸之能事。In a sense, some international environmental rhetoric could be free riding on American inaction.

你要一明白,永远明白,打破生死关,跳出轮回圈,这样才是大丈夫的能事。Once we understand, we can be true heroes and leap out from the endless cycle of birth and death.

出席舞会时所穿戴的面具及衣服通常极尽华丽之能事而遮掩出席者真正的身分。The masks and clothes were often so ornate as to conceal the identity of the person wearing them.

利比亚官方先前放出话来,承诺这次极尽奢华之能事的庆典将涵盖利比亚上下5000年的历史。Advance publicity promised that the no-expense-spared epic will cover 5, 000 years of Libyan history.

敌人极尽残暴之能事,其目的则在于“毁灭抗战生存力”。The enemy has perpetuated all kinds of atrocities to "destroy the life blood of the war of resistance".

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王朔的小说以颠覆为能事,它们颠覆了爱情、秩序以及一切传统的价值规范。WangShuo's novels were famous of their subverting. They subverted love, order and all traditional value norm.

哈巴狗也随着主人活蹦乱跳的来到马厩,时而作揖,时而跳跃,极尽能事。With the Farmer came his Lapdog, who danced about and licked his hand and frisked about as happy as could be.

撒旦尽其歪曲之能事,在这个电子时代制造出了大批难以置信的外来奇异的试探。In his perverse wisdom, Satan has produced in this electronic age an unbelievable array of exotic temptations.