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犯人们很少越狱。Prisoners rarely escape.

是越狱里T-bag讲的。Told by T-bag in Prison Break.

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这就是越狱应用程序商店。This is the jailbreak app store.

他把这次越狱事件看做一场灾难。He called the prison break a disaster.

他的越狱使他罪上加罪。His breach of prison adds to his crime.

当然,这次越狱行动是一份里应外合的杰作。Of course the escape was an inside job.

想翻墙越狱的囚犯是蠢蛋。Cons who go over the wall are stupid cons.

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这是长久以来的越狱传统。It's a long-standing Prison Break tradition.

“我对这个成绩感到自豪,”越狱哥说。“"I'm proud of the achievement, " Skrtel said.

一名被判谋杀罪的凶犯越狱了。A convicted murderer has broken out of prison.

越狱是在夜间开始的。This prison break-out started with a break-in.

我只在回答别人的时候说周五放越狱。Ffs , I only said Friday in a reply to someone.

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越狱使设备成为你想要的样子。A jailbreak lets your device be how you want it.

只有在监牢中越狱才会成功。He had only succeeded in escaping into a prison.

他越狱逃走之前在狱中坐牢两个月。He spent two months in prison before he broke out.

囚犯们利用这条地道越狱逃跑了。The prisoners used the tunnel to escape from jail.

监禁有风险,他们可能越狱。There is a risk of jailing though, they can break out.

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他纵容那个囚犯越狱。He connived at letting the prisoner escape from prison.

他越狱逃跑了,但后来又被抓回来。He escaped from prison but was subsequently recaptured.

当地官员称,越狱有“内鬼”帮助。Local officials said the escape as "the devil" to help.