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八赞休憩兮床温衾暖。Eight is for a nice warm bed.

但是也许我可以先等一等,找一家咖啡馆,打开一本书,先休憩片刻。But perhaps it can wait for now.

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我也将容你休憩!And I will present you with rest!

他演过美剧喜剧“公园与休憩”He was on shows like Parks and Rec.

使我在它安静的力量下泰然休憩。And rest serene beneath its tranquil power.

是休憩,文化发现,工作,还是运动?Rest, cultural discoveries, work, or sport?

半路上还有个很不错的咖啡馆供人休憩。And there's a nice cafe for a rest half way.

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然而难忘的时刻,伴着死尸休憩。Rests with those dead, but unforgotten hours.

一只狮鬃水母正在棕藻叶上休憩。A lion's mane jellyfish nestled in a kelp frond.

约224平方米休憩空间位于政府土地。About 224 sq. m. open space is on government land.

约382平方米休憩空间位于政府土地。About 382 sq. m. open space is on government land.

瞳中休憩的薄雾滤去了阳光。Fog has dwelled in the eye and filtrated the sunshine.

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在月亮上来之前,这是一个幸运的休憩与隐蔽之所。This was providential rest and shelter until the moon rose.

提供来村游学的教师及学生休憩的场所。Provides a communal space for teachers and students to relax.

上部为透气尼龙网最佳休憩、快速干燥。Open mesh nylon upper for best breathability and quick drying.

假设是眼睛里的,就上点眼药水。早点休憩!Assumption is in the eye to the point of eye drops. Open early!

我的父亲喜欢利用早晨在公园的椅凳上休憩。My father likes to spend his mornings relaxing on a park bench.

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一群非洲大羚羊躺在河谷下游的沙洲上休憩,”马克写到。a herd of waterbuck lying on a sandbar downstream,” Mark wrote.

将手中的剑解放于大地,在短暂安详的和平中休憩。Place your sword upon the ground, and rest in the temporal peace.

那些不能提供竞争休憩地的城市将会被淘汰。The cities that can't provide competitive amenities will lose out.