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拿一个上税的钱给我看。Shew me the tribute money.

我们给我们的国家上税。We pay taxes to our country.

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所带的物品都得上税吗?。Are all belongings subject to duty?

拿一个上税的钱给我看。Show me the coin used for paying the tax.

我要给每一位上税的纳税人减税。I will work to cut taxes for everyone who pay taxes.

我买了一幅中国古画,需要上税吗?I've bought an old Chinese painting. Is it dutiable?

驾驶没有上税、没有保过险的车是法律禁止的。It is illegal to drive a car that is not taxed and insured.

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对于单身者来说,就连上税也更贵。Even tax can be more costly, on a per-person basis, for singletons.

拿一个上税的钱给我看。他们就拿一个银钱来给他。Show me the coin used for paying the tax. " They brought him a denarius".

美国国税局说它会足够的个人偿还上税。The IRS said it would be enough for the individual to repay the back taxes.

如同一个好商品要上税,烟草就意味着给政府上百万的钱。As a wonderful commodity to tax, tobacco means billions of dollars to governments.

是,他们是高消费人群,可是他们的消费又不用上税,你能怎么办?Yes, they are high spending, but if their spending is not responding to taxes, so what?

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年轻的投资者则需要对为教育用途而取出的资金的收益部分上税。Younger investors will owe taxes on earnings that get withdrawn for education expenses.

她问你有没有兴趣赚些钱,不用上税,为她下一个顾客做一个四手足底按摩。She asks if you’d like to make some money, tax-free, doing a four-handed foot manipulation for her next client.

当一个乘客买了票但并没有出现在飞机上,他的位置就被保留为空座,而这个空座也失去了上税的机会。When a person doesn’t show up for a flight, the seat is left empty and an empty seat is a lost opportunity for revenue.

一次,安迪和另几个犯人外出劳动,他无意间听到监狱官在讲有关上税的事。Time, Andy and the other prisoners out of several labor, he inadvertently heard the prison officer in the taxed talk about things?

“它只是我的一个小工作室,如果我加上了这些设施那就要上税了,或者这还需要一个壁炉,但是我真的希望和“陶德”住在这里吗?It's just my little studio. If I add on to it, I have to pay taxes. It might be nice to have a fireplace, but do I want to live with Todd up here?

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航空公司无需为用于国际航班的燃料上税,因此较其他种类交通运输业,他们以高明得多的方式规避了“污染者掏钱”的原则。They pay no tax on fuel for international flights, and therefore escape the "polluter pays" principle even more niftily than other forms of transport.

美国法律规定,一家公司为职工的配偶提供健康保险作为福利时,如果一方是同性,就必须上税。Under U.S. law, when a firm offers health insurance as a benefit for an employee’s partner, it is tax-free for married couples but taxable income for gays.

第十九议案,提出在加利福尼亚,将使用大麻合法化并进行上税与调控,它真的像支持者宣称的那样有益吗?Would Proposition 19, the proposal to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana use in California, have really generated the benefits that its proponents claimed?