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岩浆中萌生的蕨类植物,夏威夷Fern Growing From Lava, Hawaii

毕业后,她萌生了一个想法。After graduation, she had an idea.

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然后我开始感觉这种念头一直在萌生。Then I just started to feel this urge.

才会有丑的升华。美的萌生。Will have ugly distillation. Beautiful initiation.

印度的资本市场是在这种背景下萌生的。India's capital market burgeoned against this backdrop.

而对燃料电池汽车的支持者来说,希望永远都在萌生。Yet for advocates of fuel-cell cars, hope springs eternal.

自由一旦生根便是朱迅萌生长的植物。Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.

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浏览着作文时,一个新观点在他的头脑中萌生了。Looking through his composition , a new opinion came into his mind.

自瑜萌生起对海亮不忠的感觉。Since the initiation Yu from the sea of bright sense of disloyalty.

分析两次试验结果发现,裂纹都在缺口处萌生。The results showed that all the cracks were initiated from the notch.

杜克在参加一个长长的演讲时萌生了关于这项研究的想法。Tuk came up with the idea for the study while attending a long lecture.

一种男孩怪才的亚文化已经围绕充满暴力的游戏萌生了。A boy geek subculture has grown up around gaming that involves violence.

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索肖因萌生去意的利物浦前锋勒塔莱接触利物浦。Sochaux have approached Liverpool for want-away striker Anthony Le Tallec.

餐厅主人看到一名无家可归的女子从垃圾桶里翻找食物吃之后萌生了这一想法。The idea came after the owner saw a homeless woman eating from trash cans.

在你的维持开始时,在萌生散绿菌上放置一个芽孢指示物。At the beginning of your upkeep, put a spore counter on Thallid Germinator.

巴顿现在的公司,画廊女孩则在2008年由上述的两个活动萌生出来。Patton's current company, Gallery Girls, was born out of both events in 2008.

结果表明,萌生是刀耕火种后植被恢复的一种重要方式。The result showed that sprouting is an important form for vegetation recovery.

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当他看到拿着达克斯香肠的小贩们时,突然萌生了制作卡通的灵感。When he saw the men with the dachshund sausages, he got an idea for a cartoon.

不要轻易使用比喻。仅仅一个比喻即可萌生爱情。Metaphors are not to be trifled with. A single metaphor can give birth to love.

桦树天然林的起源有实生的,也有萌生的。The origin of some natural Betula L. stand is seedling. Some are sprout forest.