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恶魔们即使在黑暗当中也能洞悉任何事物。Demons have to be able to see in the dark.

洞悉不能以肉眼所见之事。Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye.

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网站“床上贴”承诺让你洞悉自己的性生活。BedPosted promises to give you insights into your sex life.

我决定从现在开始加深了解别人,洞悉自己。I now choose to deepen my understanding of others and myself.

但在他的这一代人中,他还是最能洞悉荒唐事的观察者。But, for now, he is his generation’s keenest observer of theabsurd.

那么在现实生活中,你也害怕可能有人会洞悉你吗?What were you afraid someone in real life might find out about you?

但他们的“幸运”来自于观察、洞悉和行动。But their ‘luck’ was the product of observation, insight and action.

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并以前瞻姿态,洞悉未来都市生活的核心。And forward-looking attitude, anticipating the future of the city core.

你不要在开始之前就想洞悉始末,要抵制住这种想法的诱惑。Resist your temptation to have everything figured out before you start.

他习惯于工厂女工和劳动妇女的硬茧,洞悉她们的手粗糙的原因,但露丝的手却……He was used to the harsh callousness of factory girls and working women.

现在各种洞悉之间似乎都会相互交谈,何况还能以无线的方式沟通。Now everything seems to talk to everything else, and can do so wirelessly.

他的公寓就在莫妮卡的对面,莫妮卡透过窗户可以洞悉这边的动静,于是罗斯假造了一个“班”来骗她。Since Monica can see into his apartment, he makes a "fake Ben" to fool her.

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洞悉市场,追求卓越,心系万千企业!Insights on Markets, Stive for Excellence, Hearts with Enterprise Innovations!

然而,除非我有足够的证据去支持我的这个信念,否则我依然不能说自己洞悉它了。Still, unless I have adequate support for my belief, I cannot be said to know it.

我们不能向你索求什么,因为早在这需求在我们心中形成之前,你就已经洞悉了它。We cannot ask thee for aught, for thou knowest our needs before they are born in us

精通英语能让你洞悉美国文化的多样性。Agood command of English can give you insight into the diversity of Americanculture.

梅丽莎很高,有着一头金黄的碎发和一双能洞悉一切的眼睛,她非常敏锐就像商人一般。Tall with cropped blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, she is brisk and businesslike.

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他们可以洞悉一屋子的人,并且明白那些人想要怎么样的答案。They can read a room and understand the type of answer those people are looking for.

孟子和亚里士多德都洞悉到人类性本善。Mencius and Aristotle converge in their vision that human nature is essentially good.

洞悉真理不仅需要真正的信念,还需要证实信念正确。Knowing the truth requires not just true belief but also justification for the belief.