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它是一扇简朴无华的门,内里藏着信、望、爱。Raw and undecorated, hidden within are faith, hope and love.

用于面色无华,未老先衰,肌肤干燥,形容憔悴。Uses in the facial color being plain, presenility, the flesh is dry, looks wan.

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时过境迁,面前所看到的还是那些平凡无华的白杨树,但心境却不同了。Time passes by, before or those who have seen extraordinary minimalist of poplar, but the mood was different.

一方面,吕柟师从薛的门人薛敬之,秉承了河东学派的思想内涵,悃无华,以躬行实践为主。And Lv Nan took the ideology of the school of Hedong region, which was sincere and characterized as practice and fulfillment.

也许所有这些同义反复都是语言学的创造,也许,翻弄我们的脑袋后能够发现那种熟悉而无华的恐惧。Perhaps all those synonyms are just linguistic inventions. Perhaps, if we looked inside our brains, we would just find plain old fear.

当地居民珍惜传统,以淳厚的民风迎来送往,追求简朴无华的享受。Local residents cherish the tradition of folk customs in order to usher in simple yet profound sent to pursue the enjoyment of simple minimalist.

手挽传统,绕过精琢,重新诠释内心中那最无华的简质,我门独领时代新时尚。The hand pulls the tradition, bypasses fine carves, annotates in the innermost feelings that plainest Jan Zhi, my gate alone collar time new fashion.

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母爱像一条小溪,潺潺流水,滋润着我的心田。妈妈那温馨的话语,朴实的想法,无华的行动,无不让我的心暖暖的。Maternal love like a brook, babbling Brooks, moistens my heart. Mother that warm discourse, and simple idea, grooves of action, without exception, let my heart warm.

心悸不宁,面色无华,头晕目眩,气短乏力,舌质淡,有齿痕,脉细数或结代。Palpitation, lustreless, complexion, dizziness, blurring of vision, shortness of breath, lassitude, pale tongue with tooth prints, thready, weak or intermittent pulse.

愁眉苦脸,只会使皮肤细胞缺乏营养,脸上的皮肤干枯无华,出现皱纹,同时还会加深面部的“愁纹”。Looks distressed, will only cause the skin cell undernourishment , on face's skin withered plain, will present the wrinkle, meanwhile will deepen the face "to worry the grain".

每天摆“苦瓜脸”会使皮肤细胞缺乏营养,脸上的皮肤干枯无华,出现皱纹,同时还会加深面部的“愁纹”。Every day will suspend "the balsam pear face" to cause the skin cell undernourishment , on face's skin withered plain, will present the wrinkle, meanwhile will deepen the face "to worry the grain".