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文化素养从不停滞。Literacy skills never stop.

为什么我们一开始就强调文化素养呢?Why literacy in the first place?

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文化素养不仅仅由其本身决定。Literacy turns around not often by itself.

都存在文化素养问题,他们的读写能力很低。Their reading ability is at level one or two.

媒介素养课程是一项迫切的需要。Classes in media literacy are a pressing need.

我们假定我们的生产力需要高文化素养。We make the assumption that we need it workforce.

我们要保证世界上所有人都能够提升文化素养。We have to guarantee universal access to literacy.

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文化素养既指内容科技,也指信息科技。Literacy is both content and information technology.

凡有幽默的素养者,都是聪敏颖悟的。Where the quality of humor, are smart perspicacious.

她是创伤外科医生,保持冷静是她的职业素养。She's a trauma surgeon. She's trained to keep her cool.

不仅仅是简单的文化素养。What we need, well, let me tell, is no single literacy.

看,人家的赞美诗都是五线谱,民众的音乐素养高呀!Look, it's all in stave. The people are educated in music!

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第二章主要论述唐代国子监学官的学术素养。The main part of the thesis is divided into five chapters.

文明用语是一个民族素养的体现。Civilized words are the presentation of a national quality.

资浅教师在影响因素之资讯素养是较高。The junior teachers were higher on the information literacy.

2005年第六次全国公众科学素养调查由中国科普研究所进行,它调查了8,570名年龄在18岁到69岁之间的成年人。The 2005 survey involved 8,570 adults aged between 18 and 69.

2005年第六次全国公众科学素养调查由中国科普研究所进行,它调查了8,570名年龄在18岁到69岁之间的成年人。The 2005 survey involved 8, 570 adults aged between 18 and 69.

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我们如果向别人证明,文化素养的重要性呢?How do we get others to talk about literacy is being important?

文化素养是一种技能,是一项科技技能。Literacy is sort of skill of, it's, a pool of technology skill.

保持专业素养,甚至包括着装和发型。Maintain your professionalism, down to your dress and hairstyle.