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一人立志,万夫莫敌。A person to spartacus.

包含了温立志的结果。Wen Lizhi' s results are contained.

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⊙、人须立志,志立则功就。People should aspire to, he is work.

看春晚,毋宁死,也许这是个不错的新年新立志。That is not too bad a new year resolution.

自月球的兔仔,天生神力,性格火爆,立志要做?地。A rabbit comes from the Moon, with supernatural power.

他们向他们的子女反复灌输立志成功的决心。They inculcated the will to succeed in their children.

想想你第一次立志成为一名作家的时刻吧。Think about the first time you decided to be a writer.

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当我立志跟从您,您便一生一世与我同行。that if I followed you, you would walk with me always.

立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。Aspire to appropriate's character, reading must try hard.

立志是读书人最要紧的一件事。Determination is the most important thing for the reader.

一个人出生,立志,努力,启发,死去。A person respires, aspires, perspires, inspires and expires.

从那天起,他们三个立志成为三剑客。From that day on, the three of them aspire to be musketeers.

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出狱后,转而追求名利,立志出人头地。After be released from prison, turn and careerism, aspire stand out.

女性不仅应该立志接受教育,还应该追求独立。Female not only should aspire for education,but also for independent.

后,我上了大学,立志要做一名护士。After high school, I went to college and was determined to ome a nurse.

立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。Determined to think of the true character, reading must do the hard work.

他立志要娶他葛师妹为妻,我则立志要逃出生天。He determined to marry his sister Ge and I determine to escape from here!

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志浩立志对社会有所贡献,选择主修化学工程学。A desire to make a contribution to society led Chi Ho to choose his major.

曼氏建筑立志于走中国特色的生态建筑之路。Yemann Architects is committed to the Chinese way of sustainable building.

中国明年将发射一个太空舱,并预计2011年前入坞.志向远大的"中国宇航员"立志要有所成就.在这个规则中,妻子们说了算.China will launch a space module next year and hopes for a docking by 2011.