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你是说经历伙伴之爱是必要但不充分条件。You mean a necessary condition but not sufficient.

这是说实际上P是Q的充分条件。So this is saying in effect that if P is sufficient for Q.

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用波波夫稳定判据得到了控制器稳定的充分条件。Stability of the controller is guaranteed by Popov stability criterion.

分析了平衡状态稳定性的充分条件。Sufficiant condition for stability of equilibrium states is introduced.

给出了等时中心的一个新的充分条件。We also introduce a new sufficient condition of the isochronous center.

目的寻求判别非奇异H阵的一个新的实用充分条件。Aim To find a new practice sufficient condition for nonsingular H-matrix.

如果我有钱,所以有钱是去酒吧的充分条件。If I have money, so having money would be sufficient for you to be in the pub.

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给出食饵种群的非永久持久性的充分条件。Finally the sufficient condition for the impermanence of prey population was given.

我们将把真正标准的路数叫做“必要条件与充分条件方法”。We can call this standard approach the method of necessary and sufficient conditions.

给出了该观测器算法局部渐近收敛的充分条件。Sufficient conditions to ensure local asymptotic convergence of the AFO are established.

此充分条件与目前这一领域的主要研究成果相比,具有较少的保守性。Compared with the main results in this area, the condition possesses less conservativeness.

第一章包括六个领域和薄弱和强大的极值充分条件的理论。First six chapters include theory of fields and sufficient conditions for weak and strong extrema.

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最后讨论了边值问题与变分问题等价的充分条件。Sufficiant condition for the identity between variational problem and boundary problem is proposed.

同时,也给出了系统渐近稳定的充分条件。Sufficient conditions under which the sliding mode system is quadratically stable are also deduced.

本文给出了U-标算子经连续算子演算后有界的充分条件。The sufficient conditions are given for the continuous calculus of U-scalar operators to be bounded.

给出动态输出反馈补偿器存在的充分条件。The sufficient conditions for the existence of the dynamic output feedback compensator were derived.

高效的化学毒剂满足化学战的必要而非充分条件。Powerful chemical agents are a necessary but not sufficient condition for a chemical warfare capability.

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主要是证明了仿齐次函数为亚齐次函数的一个充分条件。Mainly, it proves that a sufficient condition of a parahomogeneous function is a subhomogeneous function.

另一方面,将存储函数具体化,利用矩阵不等式,推出了广义系统鲁棒无源的充分条件。On the other hand, a sufficient condition of robust passivation is provide with concrete storage function.

最后一章讨论自相似集的拓扑结构,给出了平面上的自相似集同胚于单位圆盘的充分条件。We give a sufficient condition for the self-similar set in the plane which is homeomorphic to the unit disk.