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谁抓住了合适的时机,谁就是合时的人。He who seizes he right moment , is the right man.

谢谢你在暮色四合时迟迟离去。Thank you for your leaving late in the afternoon !

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它仅是指说话到位,或者说话合时吗?Is it referring to just the right word or just the right time?

当使一种元素与氧化合时,即称其被氧化。When an element is caused to combine with oxygen it is oxidized.

只要有一对基因隐性纯合时,即可患病。A pair of genes was recessiveness homozygote, it was probably to be ill.

如果你在新月5月24日前得到,那么这些会谈将会变得合时的。These talks will become productive once you get beyond the new moon of May 24.

我只是在合时的时间,合适的地点,又恰巧在车里放了一台相机而已。I just happened to be in the right place at the right time with a camera in my car.

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医生认为这些钾通道对保证子宫在合时的时间正常收缩至关重要。These potassium channels are thought to be crucial in ensuring that the uterus contracts properly and at the right time.

遗产执行人约翰·麦克莱恩技巧性地改编成了新版本,使得它听起来全新及合时。Estate executor John McClain updates it skillfully in this new version, making it sound brand new and retro at the same time.

另外在直流接触器中,将衔铁进行了阻尼处理,并讨论了衔铁吸合时的振动特性。The armature switching is treated as damping in a relay, the vibration characteristics of the armature switching are discussed.

夹具采用气体弹簧和曲杆下压式,结构上下压合时受力均匀,有效地防护产品压合时造成变形。Gas Spring and curved-rod auxiliary, even stress assurance both in push and close to protect effectively products from deformation.

当抛光硅片直接键合时,界面出现极薄的过渡区,并存在微小的晶向差,但不引起多余应力。When polish silicon wafer directly bond, there are avery thin transition field and a tiny lattice-error, but no more stress in drawn into.

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没有什么能够替代几句合时合宜的、发自内心的赞美,赞美不花费任何成本却能带来无比的财富。Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen , well-timed, sincere words of praise. They're absolutely free and worth a fortune.

齐文化最终成为一种合时俗,务实际,具有革新性、开放性和包容性的功利型文化传统。Qi culture will eventually become a popular time, the actual works, innovative, open and inclusive type of utilitarian cultural traditions.

甲醇具有较高的净辛烷值和较高的调合辛烷值,在与烃类汽油调合时,是一种起高辛烷值汽油调合组分作用的含氧化合物。Methanol has rather high clear and blending octane numbers and can be used as a high octane blending component in blends for motor gasoline.

专家们持续辩论道工人与士兵在废墟上重建冷却塔是否合时。Experts continue to debate whether time is working for or against the workers and soldiers struggling to re-establish cooling at the crippled plant.

卫星影像也会被用来交叉检验渔船,确认渔船能遵守合时合地捕渔的欧盟规定。Satellite imagery will also be used to cross-check fishing boats to verify that they live up to EU rules on where they are allowed to fish and when.

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不过明朝天主教士带来的科学现在早过时了,他带来的宗教从来没有合时过。Actually, the science brought by the Catholic priests of the Ming dynasty is now out of date, while the religion they brought has never been up to date.

姗姗把地下室的门从外面反锁上,她预备让世贤在阴晦湿润的地下室先住上一段,等他受尽熬煎再合时把他放出去。Shanshan put the cellar door locked from the outside world, she prepare let in Yin hi wet hen of the basement of a long lived first, he was AoJian microroughness again put him out.

首先,比较了关于给付之诉诉讼标的的诸多不同学说,并特别探讨了请求权竟合时诉讼标的的识别标准。Firstly, compares to some different theories about object of litigation and discernment criterion of action of performance, discuss especially discernment criterion of combination of petition rights.