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我觉得像是霸占了他的东西。I felt that I owed him something.

是你占有你的资产,别让资产反过霸占了你。Don’t let your possessions own you.

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朋友们霸占道路列车。The friends commandeer the road train.

他的财产被他的叔叔比德霸占。His property was seized on by his uncle Bede.

当你走进一间屋子时,要学会霸占领地。When you enter a room, learn to claim territory.

我霸占了他的女儿,因为他见我一屁股债。Deforce , I deforce his daughter for his lots of debt.

抗议东风乡政府霸占公民私有财产!Down with local government! Get out from our property!

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但是许多人选择继续等,害怕他们队伍中的位置会被霸占。But many still chose to wait, fearing they would lose their place.

该战争由对一块狭长土地霸占的争议所引起。The war is caused by a dispute over the annexe of a strip of land.

我们是否回应这呼召,或者我们已被自己要做的事所霸占?Did we respond to the call or are we preoccupy with our own interest?

今年,驼色的新品重拳出击,霸占了所有的舞台,引领了男性、女性的秋冬潮流。Camel was big news on ALL the runways this year within men AND women’s fashion.

农场由富人霸占,农地上有他的奴工在收割。My farm has been taken over by a rich man. His slaves are harvesting my fields.

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中国卫通渐渐构成霸占劣势的卫星资源网络。ChinaSat gradually develops into having advantageous satellite resource network.

NASA将企图霸占媒体的舞台,先发制人地解释发生了什么。NASA will attempt to grab the media stage, preemptively explaining what occurred.

渐渐的长长的人龙走到了KLCC,把KLCC前的十字路口给霸占了!The long march gradually come to KLCC, occupied the whole intersection before the KLCC!

于是,城市老板霸占市厅数十年,贪污腐败盛行一时。And then the city boss appears, municipal corruption became a popular thing in American.

从此噩梦开始了,继父长期霸占她至今。Her nightmare begun from there onwards and her step father continue raping her till today.

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如果你正坐着,就支起你的脚对这在你面前要霸占的物品。If you're sitting, claim an object in front of you by propping your feet up on the object.

艾莉责骂品如霸占了她的维纳斯,大声的要品如把维纳斯还给她。Ailey scold product such as occupied her Venus, loud to product such as the Venus her back.

确定这一个防病毒软件不会霸占你的电脑资源。Make sure to use an anti-virus program that does not hog up all of your computer resources.