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试验拟订332例患者进入研究。Enrolled in the study were 332 patients.

他拟订了增设新课程的计划。He chalked out his plan of establishing a new course.

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拟订工业同业公会章程草案。Draw out the draft of articles for industrial board of trade.

拟订假日旅游政策并组织实施。stipulating holiday tourist policies and organizing the implementation.

确保员工权及工作保障,并拟订完备之配套措施。Guarantee the staffs for their work and rights with fare-thee-well measurements.

五拟订工业同业公会年度工作计画及编拟岁入出预算书。E. Draw out annual work plan and decide annual budget for industrial board of trade.

拟订的服装往往是形成了自己的形象,如由苏珊娜刘易斯蛾角。Often the costume is formed of its own imagery, like the moth cape by Susanna Lewis.

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任何计划的拟订,任何法律的制定,无一不出自于笔。Whatever plans have been drawn up, whatever laws formulated, have come from the pen.

详细暂拟订单细节和请求发出形式发票。Give details of the proposed order and the reasons for requesting the proforma invoice.

我们对你们的一些产品很感兴趣,这是我们拟订的询价单。We’re very interested in some of your products. Here’s an enquiry sheet we’ve drawn up.

与此同时,立法机构拟订了中国第一部动物虐待监管法案。Meanwhile, lawmakers have been drafting the country's first regulations on animal abuse.

Nafo-Traoré博士说,“会议的一项重要任务是拟订2007年及其后的计划。”“An important task at the meeting is to plan for 2007 and beyond,” Dr. Nafo-Traoré said.

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指导和组织制定或拟订煤炭行业规范和标准工作。To guide and organize the enactment or formulation of norms and standards for coal sector.

美国宪法的草创人没有在宪法中拟订一份权利法案。The Framers of the American Constitution did not include a bill of rights in that document.

拟订夹具的结构方案、绘制夹具总图及其零件图。The jig design is to complete the structure plan, the assembly drawing and the parts drawing.

拟订购买美加净牙膏大号1000罗请电告最低价格最快交货期。Bookable MAXAM dental cream large size 1000 gross please cable lowest price earliest delivery.

如果新婚夫妇喜欢打破传统,那么为自己拟订一份别开生面的讲词吧!If the couple love break with tradition, then draw up an open up a fresh outlook for his speech!

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三拟订章程草案、年度工作计画及编拟岁入、出预算书。Draft organizational articles, annual work plan and work out annual revenue, expenditure targets.

拟订水务中长期发展规划和年度计划,并组织实施。to prepare, organize and implement a mid-long term and annual development plan regarding water affairs.

初步拟订在三年内分5期对省妇幼保健院25-30名护理人员进行短期外派培训。To train nurses by the means of exchange visits. 25-30 nurses of our hospital will be trained within 3 years.