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第二章,三组声乐套曲的音乐分析。Chapter II, three groups of vocal music divertimento analysis.

后来,这三个儿子的名字就成了木卡姆套曲的名称。Later, the names of her three sons became the names of the Muqam suites.

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舒曼在钢琴音乐领域的成就,最突出的就是他的标题钢琴套曲。Schumann's piano cycle is the most outstanding achievement in his musical career.

十二木卡姆,是维吾尔族优秀的古典音乐,即大型音乐套曲的称谓。Mukamu, the appellation of large divertimento , is the splendid classical music of Uygur.

第三章,三组声乐套曲的技术和创作特点。Chapter III, three groups divertimento vocal characteristics of the technical and creative.

第二章介绍了舒曼钢琴套曲的创作风格及特征。The second chapter briefs the creative style and characteristics of Schumann's piano cycle.

十二木卡姆包含了十二支套曲,是维吾尔木卡姆的代表。Twelve Muqam is the representative of Uighur Muqam which contains twelve pieces of divertimento.

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希望通过本人的努力,能让这部套曲更加广泛地被大家接受和喜欢。I hope that with my efforts, it can make this divertimento more widely accepted and enjoyed by everyone.

特别在钢琴音乐方面,他开创了钢琴套曲这一体裁,并将性格小品发挥到了极至。Especially in the piano music, he created piano cycle, and brought personalized musical piece to the extreme.

三组声乐套曲是穆索尔斯基作品创新作曲技法的声乐代表作品。Three groups of vocal music divertimento is innovative composer Mussorgsky technique works on behalf of the vocal works.

他对于这一曲式的改革与创新主要体现在其32首钢琴奏鸣套曲中。His reform and innovation in this particular musical form were mainly reflected in his 32 pieces of piano sonata divertimenti.

多年以来,人们一直关注舒曼声乐套曲的抒情性特点,但对其戏剧性特点却缺乏系统的阐释与研究。For many years, however, people pay special attention to the lyricism of his song cycles, and put the theatricality aspect aside.

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因此,对这部优秀声乐套曲做深入细致的研究是一件非常有意义和价值的工作。Therefore, it is a very meaningful and valuable work to make in-depth and meticulous research of this excellent vocal divertimento.

全套曲具有戏剧性,是一部浪漫主义力作,但仍始终保持着古典主义的静谧与对称。It is quiet and symmetrical that the whole divertimento has dramaticism but a magnum opus of a romanticism remains classicism throughout.

他时常出现于引人注目的盛会之中,曾至少有两次出席了新年庆典周活动,以及卡雷套曲的首演开幕仪式。Takel often appeared at high-profile events, and he attended at least two New Year Fete Week events and the opening premier of The Kallea Cycle.

每种套曲又有“正、反、平、苦、抢、紧”六种不同的曲子,唱腔是根据需要来临时组合的。Divertimento of each another, "and against, flat, hard, looting, bear in" six different song, singing is based on the needs of the provisional portfolio.

其曲牌大都由多个能单独演奏的锣鼓段子联结而成,是一种联套曲体结构,它主要用于广场表演。Qupai by a number of its most able to separate playing gongs and drums Duan from linking is a joint structure Cycles, which the main plaza for performances.

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2005年维吾尔族大型古典音乐套曲“十二木卡姆”被联合国教科文组织批准为“人类口头和非物质遗产代表作”。In 2005, large scale classical set music of Uighur "Twelve Mukam" was approved as "Representative Work of Human Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage" by UNESCO.

斯克里亚宾早期奏鸣曲作品的曲式结构反映出古典与浪漫主义时期美学观念与创作手法的影响,具有较典型的奏鸣套曲形式特征。Scriabin's early sonatas reflect the influence of aesthetics idea and composing skill of classical and romantic age, have the characteristics of typical sonata song form.

舞团的演出包括地域性舞蹈、声乐套曲、波兰民族舞蹈、波尔卡舞曲和重新编排的四季传统曲目。The Ensemble's repertoire includes regional dance and vocal suites and National Dances of Poland, Polish-American polkas and re-enactments of traditions of the four seasons.