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这天,爸爸教我包汤团。One day, dad taught me pack dumpling.

汤团充满了甜的粘稠物。The dumplings are filled with sweet goo.

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我喜欢吃刚刚煮出来的汤团。I prefer dumplings which have just been cooked.

有甜果冻的馅饼,有枣仁的甜汤团。Tarts with candied jelly, sugar dumplings with dates.

旧时上海人最讲究吃汤团。Old people in Shanghai is the most exquisite eat dumpling.

不-会儿,汤团的香味散发了出来。Not-a minute, the smell of sweet dumplings were circulated.

还有一些剩汤团,我马上就可以把它们热好。There are some dumplings left, I can hot them up in a minute.

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现在有了速冻工艺,汤团才出现在商店里。Now, with quick-freezing process, gnocchi appeared on the store.

"那里,那里。"那个中年人拿着小汤团走了。"There, there. "The middle-aged man with a small sweet dumplings go.

包汤团的过程也像饺子,但不用擀面杖。The process is like a package gnocchi dumplings, but do not Rolling pin.

做得好的汤团表面光滑发亮,有的还留一个尖儿,像桃形。Shiny smooth surface of the gnocchi well, and some remained a smb, like Peach.

潜伏87天后,汤团终于打响了第三次“破腹”行动的战斗。Latent 87 days later, dumpling finally erupted third broken belly action battle.

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"呕"的一声,口一张,四只肉汤团完整地从她嘴里冲了出来。"Oh" sound, a picture, four broth full mission from she rushed out of the mouth.

南方的汤团有多种“流派”,现在最出名的是宁波的“黑洋酥”汤团。South dumpling variety, "genre", the most famous Ningbo "black foreign crunchy" dumpling.

我们是听舒曼和雨果?沃尔夫的乐曲、吃泡白菜、土豆汤团、喝库莫尔酒成长起来的。We were brought up on Schumann and Hugo Wolf and sauerkraut and kümmel and potato dumplings.

温州人视吃汤团为吉祥,历来有汤团待客的风俗习惯。Wenzhou people eat dumpling as auspicious as there has always been gnocchi hospitality customs.

转身放好梆子,熟练地做出大小汤团,一个接着一个往锅里丢。Turn around and put the skillfully made operas size sweet dumplings, one after another into the pot.

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汤团馅含水量比元宵多,这是两者的区别之一。Dumpling filling water content than the Lantern Festival, and this is one of the difference between the two.

起初,人们把这种食物叫作“浮圆子”,后来又叫汤团或汤圆,这些名称与“聚会”字音相近,取聚会之意,意味全家人团聚会圆和睦幸福。It tastes sweet and has the meaning of reunion. So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.

"大哥,你六个钱好买九个大汤团,现在你只买四只小汤团,不怕吃亏吗?"。Brother, you six money buy nine large sweet dumplings, now you only buy the four little sweet dumplings, not afraid to lose?