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而眼睛流泪了,手也会去拭泪。And when eyes cry, hands wipe their tears.

没人规定钢琴一定用手弹-先准备面纸拭泪!!!No one provides the piano played must by hand! ! !

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当观众们频频拭泪时,闪光灯来回缩放。The camera zoomed in on audience members tearing up as well.

岁月不会为她拭泪,时间不会带走她的痛苦!Years will not be for her Shi Lei, time does not take away her pain!

上官玉拭泪,让尹三别安慰他了,快去找木匠。Shangguan jade wiped tears let Yin Sanbie comfort him, go to a carpenter.

没在案烨哭泣的人,是不会拥有为人拭泪的温柔。One who never cries in the might won't be tender enough to comfort others.

这样的话,那些大的能源公司将会因后悔他们当初对限额贸易的反对而拭泪。That may leave big energy firms regretting their opposition to cap and trade.

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多少摄影机对着我,要如何不为人知地拭泪?Many cameras look towards me, I don’t know how can wipe my tears without other’s being aware of.

上周末,当英国首相戈登·布朗谈到自己可能早逝的儿子弗雷泽时,不禁当众拭泪。Gordon Brown wept in public last weekend when he spoke of facing up to the possible premature death of his son Fraser.

静!静!静!静得慌,无人回答。我低头不语,以衣袖拭泪,然后,走进房中。Static! Static! Static! Static features, no answer. I looked down in silence, tears to sleeve, then, came into the room.

李先生说,每当他哭泣时,这只猴子会伸手为他拭泪,但他没有透露自己哭泣的原因或次数。Li says the monkey wipes away his tears when he cries, but he didn't divulge the reasons for his tears or how often he cries.

“真令人难熬难得,”铁人说着,一边把手放在正在拭泪的太太的手臂上,“但为了女儿的未来,我们没此外体例。”"It's hard to bear, " says Wang, laying a hand on his wife's arm as she wiped a tear off her cheek. "But there's no other way for us to give our daughter a future.

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“真令人难受,”铁人说着,一边把手放在正在拭泪的太太的手臂上,“但为了女儿的将来,我们没别的办法。”"It's hard to bear , " says Wang, laying a hand on his wife's arm as she wiped a tear off her cheek. "But there's no other way for us to give our daughter a future.