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届时,你会看到那一“奔月”的壮举。Then you will see the moon shot.

您是如何做到这一壮举的呢?How did you accomplish that feat?

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这一壮举需要10至14天才能完成。The journey might take 10-14 days.

我离这样的壮举还有好几光年的距离呢。I was light-years from such a feat.

这将是史无前例的壮举。It will be an unprecedented occurrence.

我是说我被林则徐修渠的壮举给吓了一跳。I mean I was startled by Lin Zexu's exploits.

最早发现花花壮举的是市民黄平汇。The first people who found Huahua's feat is Mr.

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现在,他们会幻想那是超人的无畏壮举。For now, they'll imagine superhuman feats of daring.

海伦斯凯尔顿是首位实现这一壮举的女性。Helen Skelton is the first woman to achieve the feat.

第一宗攀登额菲尔士峰壮举发生于1953年。The first assent of Mount Everest took place in 1953.

纵使当时没有劳顿和马修斯,对于英国人来说这也是毫无价值的壮举。Even without Lawton and Matthews. This was no mean feat.

中国工农红军也曾在这里的雪山草地里书写壮举。The Red Army men once wrote down their heroic feat here.

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但这些简单的任务对于机器人来说却是不小的壮举。These simple tasks are no small feat for a robot, however.

人类首次登月是一个勇敢的壮举。Man's first landing on the moon was a feat of great daring.

他和他的同事们使用五步方法完成了壮举。He and his colleagues achieved the feat using a five-step process.

他是自1924年的“大比尔”蒂尔登之后,第一个实现这一壮举的人。He was the first after Bill Tilden 1924 to have achieved this feat.

关于职场人士牺牲睡眠的壮举有很多,我并不认同。There's a lot of bravura in business about how little people sleep.

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这个壮举将是科技的胜利,也是公共关系的胜利。The feat would be both a technological and public relations triumph.

然而,历史学家将认识到这件壮举背后的讽刺意味。But historians will also recognize the irony of this magnificent feat.

计算这种不寻常环境的流体动力学无疑是项壮举。Calculating the fluid dynamics of this unusual milieu is no mean feat.