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七色的歧路总有十字路口。The seven colors hill always have crossing.

克林顿夫人走上一条歧路---也是应该如此。Mrs Clinton is in a bad way—and deservedly so.

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阿难。从是天中,有二歧路。Ananda , from that heaven there are two ways to go.

他已来到这个歧路百出的大地上了。He has come into this land of an hundred cross-roads.

复次阿难。从是有顶色边际中,其间复有二种歧路。Furthermore, Ananda, from this summit of the form realm there are also two roads.

就在那繁华似锦的街头,我正面临着人生的歧路,该走?On that bright bustling streets, I was faced with the Crossroads of Life, the go?

他多么崇拜他当初一时迷了心窍自愿脱离的伊甸园,如今误入歧路,大门永不会再为他开放了!How he adored that Eden forever closed against him, whence he had voluntarily and madly emerged!

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但它也能诱导你试图以幻想替代现实,领你走上歧路。But it can also entice you into letting fantasy overcome reality, leading you down a questionable path.

在森林里有两条歧路,我选择了较少人走的那条路,这造成了所有的差异。Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

这一主流观念在其承继、发展与流变中走向了“以理灭情”的歧路。This mainstream concept switched to a wrong direction of "reason destroys emotion"in its adoption, development and changing.

在前方满是荆棘和泥泞的道路上,此外,也许还有更多的“歧路”和“穷途”,一个人更需有坚忍不拔的意志和顽强的毅力。In the life journey with bramble and miriness in the frontage, furthermore, perhaps it occurs more " branch roads " and "dead ends ".

是因为我的表述不清?用词含混?还是我说的这些话有歧义而每一条歧路又将使得理解的方向距离原意产生更大的偏差?Is my statement vague? or ambiguous? or the words I use embody lots of different meanings—even opposite, and each of them leads to a much more awful misunderstanding?

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革命正在胜利前进,红色根据地正在蓬勃发展。机会主义者却把革命的航船引入了歧路,人民的事业又面临着巨大的危险。The revolution marches on victoriously. The red base areas flourish. But opportunists lead the revolution down the wrong path. Once again the cause of the people is endangered.

我梦想有一天,深谷弥合,高山夷平,歧路化坦途,曲径成通衢,文学的光华再现,普天下生灵共谒。I dream that one day, deep bridge, leveling mountains, Crossroads of smooth, winding paths into a thoroughfare, literary representation of Sinorama, people were called the whole world.

19世纪中期以后英国工人运动的发展一直因其改良主义倾向而受到指责,被认为是工人运动发展的歧路。Since the mid-19th century the development of the B ri tish workers movement has been criticized for its reformism tendency, and has been considered as a wrong way of the workers movement.

本文以荣格的人格面具及阴影理论为依托,探讨了小说的主人公阿申巴赫如何一步步从纯粹的艺术审美陷入情感倒错的歧路。Based on Jung's theory of Persona and Shadow, this paper reveals how the novella's protagonist Aschenbach gradually slides from pure artistic appreciation to the gulf of crazy erotic desire.

法律方法研究中的本体论倾向打乱了法律方法的应有的定位,最终有可能将法律方法的研究引向歧路。The ontological tendencies in legal research tend to disorganize the legal method that should be positioned, and eventually have the possibility of leading astray to the research of legal methods.