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他想使桌子腾空悬起。He tried to levitate the table.

篮子已经被腾空了。The basket has already been emptied.

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而柯尔律治,近来也展翅腾空。And Coleridge too has lately taken wing.

甭说“腾空”,我连路也走不了了。Forget about "flying. " I could barely walk.

一团团蓝色的烟雾升起、腾空、飘散。Clouds of blue smoke rise, linger and dissolve.

我腾空了书架,把这些新书放在上面。I cleared off the bookshelf and put these new books on it.

荷兰宣称犯罪率下降腾空了他们的监狱。The Dutch boast that falling crime rates explain its empty cells.

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仙人将稻穗送给当地居民,言毕腾空而去,羊化为石。Fairies give local residents rice, then go away, sheep into stone.

腾空阶段把袋鼠抽象为无根树型四刚体系统。In flight phase, a non-tree type four rigid body systems is based.

胜利者尼奴塔腾空了大金字塔的装备。The victorious Ninurta empties the Great Pyramid of its equipment.

在有些地方,陆地景观就像被踢倒了的一杯水,已经被腾空了。In some places, the landscape empties like a jug of water kicked over.

腾空之王弗朗西斯的飞翔究竟达到了什么样的境界?Actually soared the king Francis's soaring to achieve what type boundary?

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腾空开些员工会议来分享他们的成功。Take time out of staff meetings to share the successes of your employees.

端着咖啡,踱过地毯,来到壁橱前——几天前就被她腾空了。Coffe in hand, he crosses the carpet to the closet he emptied the day before.

如果马的双蹄腾空,表明骑手在战斗中身亡。If two are raised, it means that the rider was killed on the field of battle.

跳水运动员要从高台跳水板或跳板上腾空跳起。The diver should project himself into the air from a high-board or springboard.

“垂直腾空“是超出“半管”边缘以上的最大的垂直距离。"Vertical air" is the maximum vertical distance above the edge of the halfpipe.

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突然,受到某种人类感觉不到的信号的提示,一千只鸭子如一个整体似的腾空飞起。Suddenly, cued by some imperceptible signal, a thousand birds rise as one thing.

周四晚上,我们腾空了客厅,把客厅的家具都搬到了库房里。Thursday night, we emptied all the furniture out of the living room into the workshop.

学生必须提供至少10天的意图腾空,以ORL人员事先通知。The student must provide at least 10 days advance notice of intent to vacate to ORL staff.