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我依然可以享受这个五彩斑斓的世界。I can still enjoy this colorful world.

我们眼中的荔园就是这样一个五彩斑斓的世界。We Liyuan the eyes of such a colorful world.

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我爱蓝蓝的天,白白的云和五彩斑斓的大地。I love the blue sky , the white clouds and the colorful earth.

五彩斑斓的万花筒是否能唤起你童年的回忆呢?May the colorful kaleidoscopes arouse memories of your childhood?

我的眼际浮现蓝蓝的天,白白的云和五彩斑斓的大地。I seem to see the blue sky, the white clouds and the colorful earth.

用五彩斑斓的小石子或者瓦片在洋灰板上嵌入成的图案。Bn illustration composed of small, colored stones or tiles set into cement.

梦本身没有色彩,靠的是你来装点它,从此变得五彩斑斓。Dream does not have color, it relies on you to decorate to become colorful.

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夜晚,同乐坊的天空五彩斑斓,狂欢的人群络绎不绝。The night sky with colorful Band gorgeous, the crowd flocked to the carnival.

本周我们将深入探究这些热门的房中玩具那五彩斑斓的过去。This week we're delving into the colourful past of these popular bedroom toys.

本周我们将深入探究这些热门的房中玩具那五彩斑斓的过去。This week we’re delving into the colourful past of these popular bedroom toys.

五彩斑斓的恋情,精神所向,给人们无限自由的空间。Multicolored amour, mental place to, give people the space of infinite freedom.

晚上更有精彩的表演,美丽的激光和五彩斑斓的燃放烟花。All the good shows were at night. The laser show and the fireworks were awesome.

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爱情是自然提供的一张白布,幻想在上面绣出五彩斑斓。----伏尔泰。Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination. ---Voltaire.

体会音乐这种时间的艺术是怎样在瞬间留下五彩斑斓的色彩的。So we can realize how does music, the temporal art leave multicolored color instant.

今天去新奥尔良了,一个南方的海港城市,它给我的感觉是,五彩斑斓!We go to New Orleans today, a harbor city in the south of America – with colorfulness.

碰触这个五彩斑斓的海底世界,看看大型的洄游鱼群,实在是美哉。Touch the colorful undersea world, look at the large migratory fish, is really beautiful.

爬上加利福尼亚拉森火山国家公园的锥形火山,可以完全鸟瞰五彩斑斓的山丘群。Painted Dunes can be seen atop Cinder Cone at Lassen Volcanic National Park in California.

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超市左边是五彩斑斓的图书,往前走是漂亮的文具区。The supermarket on the left is the colorful books, walking is a beautiful stationery zone.

羽毛艳丽的鸟儿在五彩斑斓的丛林上空高贵优雅地翱翔。The feather gorgeous birds nobly and gracefully hover in the all colors variegated jungle sky.

缸内展有数百种五彩斑斓的珍奇鱼种和千奇百态的珊瑚礁石。Thousands of multicolored rare fishes and different kinds of coral reefs are shown in the jar.