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他给德里的英国高级专员公署发了份电传。He sent a telex to the British High Commission in Delhi.

加拿大高级专员公署设在伦敦的特拉法尔加广场。The canadian high commission is in trafalgar square in london.

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联合国难民事务高级专员公署星期一在日内瓦举行年会。The U.N. refugee agency's annual conference opens in Geneva on Monday.

联合国难民事务高级专员公署的紧急空运物资星期二凌晨从迪拜起飞。The UNHCR emergency airlift took off from Dubai early Tuesday morning.

独任法官审理针对所得税特别专员公署所作裁决的上诉。A single judge hears appeals from the Special Commissioners of Income Tax.

联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,这个自愿遣返项目一直很成功。The UN refugee agency says the voluntary repatriation program has been a huge success.

联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,该机构已经没有资金帮助苏丹南部的难民返回家园。The UN refugee agency says it is running out of money to help Southern Sudan refugees go home.

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该部还称,澳大利亚驻新加坡最高专员公署已准备好帮助乘坐这次航班的所有澳大利亚人。DFAT says the Australian High Commission stands ready to assist any Australians on board the flight.

联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,这支车队由两辆卡车组成,装载了20多吨的帐篷和塑料布。The UN refugee agency says the two-truck convoy was carrying more than 20 tons of tents and plastic sheets.

联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,伊拉克的暴力事件引发人员不断外逃。According to the United Nations refugee agency, the violence is triggering a steady exodus from the country.

联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,在这起惨剧发生的同时,穿越亚丁湾的人口偷渡最近有所增加。The UNHCR says this latest tragedy coincides with a recent upsurge in people smuggling across the Gulf of Aden.

联合国难民事务高级专员公署发言人雷德蒙德对美国之音说,难民和避难问题在当今世界更加复杂。U.N. refugee spokesman, Ron Redmond, tells VOA, refugee and asylum issues have become more complex in today's world.

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联合国难民事务高级专员公署发言人雷德蒙德对美国之音说,难民和避难问题在当今世界更加复杂。U. N. refugee spokesman, Ron Redmond, tells VOA, refugee and asylum issues have become more complex in today's world.

现任澳门反贪污暨反行政违法性高级专员公署副高级专员。Serves now as Deputy High Commissioner in the High Commissioner's Office Against Corruption of Administrative Illegality.

行政督察专员公署的设立,也表现出南京政府时期的集权化趋势。The establishment of the systems also represented the tendency of the centralization of state power in the period of NNG.

据联合国人权事务高级专员公署证实,迄今为止利比亚各地有250多人丧生。At least 250 people have been killed in Libya so far, according to the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

斯平德勒说,联合国难民事务高级专员公署打算在该缓冲区开展常规的评估工作,并且向当地居民提供援助。Spindler says the UNHCR plans to conduct regular assessment missions to the buffer zone and to provide aid to the inhabitants.

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申诉专员公署发现过去五年,共有六千多宗多付高额津贴的个案,涉及二千一百万。The Ombudsman said it had discovered more than 6000 cases of overpayment in the past five years, amounting to 21-million dollars.

英国官方人员正在抚慰心神未定的新娘,英国高级专员公署的发言人说,公署委员长和副领事在周二专程飞去慰问刚刚失去丈夫的那位新娘。"The British High Commissioner and the vice-consul flew out on Tuesday to support his wife," a British High Commission spokeswoman said.

1993年任职反贪污暨反行政违法性高级专员公署,1996年担任助理专员。Served in the High Commissioner's Office Against Corruption of Administrative Illegality in l993, and in l996 became assistant commissioner.